

Responses from halcro

Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
they are not so stupid. They are pro-manufacturers where we are amateur-audiophiles.Dear Raul,It seems to me that you have found the 'fool-proof' way to buy cartridges, speakers, amplifiers, arms, turntables and even records?Simply purchase the mo... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
A trick I learned from Timeltel for recalcitrant suspension/cantilevers, is to leave the cartridge on the record overnight (stationary) at a high VTF (2-3Gm depending on cartridge).This technique I have successfully used on a number of cartridges,... 
What defines a good tonearm
I came to the tentative conclusion that in part I was responding to highly euphonic "imperfections" that I have heard before with unipivots in my own system.A strange conclusion Lew especially when transposed alongside "the ethereal quality of th... 
What defines a good tonearm
As with most 'purist' audio concepts like 'valves vs SS'....'belt-drive vs DD vs rim-drive'.....'horns vs panels vs dynamic speakers'.....there is no one 'correct' solution or answer.Rather, it is in the execution of a particular solution whereby ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Well Professor,I stayed awake all night hoping to come up with a riposte as good as yours...........and I failed :^{I kneel in deference? 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Professor,It has sometimes been intimated that my various comments can be 'on the warm side' of neutral which of course makes me a prime candidate for the advertising industry :^)I'm looking forward to the delivery of my TK-7Ea in order to tr... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Hi Danny,Great feedback on the 7V thanks.It seems your 'run-in' experiences match mine and I agree with you on the contrasts with the TK-7SU.The qualities you hear with the 155LC stylus appear to match Timeltel's which prompts me to try one of my ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Welcome to the thread Bill,Yes, the photo I uploaded of my AT-20SS had a non-original (red) replacement stylus assembly which is how I purchased it.I however bought a NOS 20SS (black) stylus assembly from LPGear with which I listened exclusively.T... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Has anyone yet received his AT-7V cartridge yet? 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Good choice Chris,Avalon is one of my favourites. Well recorded, fine frequency extensions and convincing soundstage. Damn fine music as well IMO :^)His album "Boys and Girls" is just as good IMHO and gets plenty of rotation chez Halcro :^) 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Regards Fleib and Raul,TK-10MLCan you tell if the stylus assembly of my cartridge is also unoriginal?This would explain, as Raul suggests, the 'sound' I was unimpressed by? 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Aesthetics play a large part in my choices of equipment......especially tonearms.Mainly because of my training (architect), I can see a lot of the 'thought' processes expressed as the finished product.I have to agree with Nandric and T_bone about ... 
Review: Quad 57
Nice review Chris.Do you think the ESL-57s are able to highlight the differences between arms and cartridges as well as other types of speakers? 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Professor,Did you realise when you posted that 'EBay link' on the TK-10ML......that it was lifted directly from this Forum where I had written that exact description in one of my more 'reserved moments'?Why the Seller should choose such a 'fl... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Thanks one and all for your best wishes.The knees are doing remarkably well and I should be home next Tuesday :^)Much listening to catch up on.I am slightly embarrassed Acman, to report my findings on the Signet MR-5.0lc as I fear the reaction of ...