

Responses from halcro

Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
And yes, it can represent lost information…Interesting……..and yet compared to master tape, we seem to have lost little information?And compared to digital….we appear to have gained additional information?!The scale of microscopic movement involve... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Hi Lew, The physics suggest that the problem would be worse for low compliance (MC) cartridges than for high compliance (MM or MI) ones, because the former type get a hard ride through the grooves, sending more in the way of shock waves up the can... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
I have little doubt that removing the stylus guard will benefit every cartridge.....just as you say Raul.My problem is psychological and practical.Ay any one time I am likely to have at least four cartridges with swing-down guards, sitting in four... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
This extremely hard/rigid material and construction isolating the generator would tend to transmit even more mechanical energy to the arm, I would think. Transmission of vibrations to the arm is a widely accepted phenomenon. If there is any energ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Specifically, the vibrational energy transmitted from the cart and resonance of the arm that effects the electrical output.If there is any "vibrational energy" transmitted from the cartridge......I would suggest you have more serious problems tha... 
Magico Q7 . . . wow
"Best in world".....and all without hearing a single LP through them? 
Top 5 favorite MM cartridges currently available
The Clearaudio Virtuoso (Black) is a very nice cartridge at around $900 I believe?But it can be found on HiFiDo or EBay used for around $400-$500.If you find one of these......ignore the condition of the stylus and cantilever and send it to Axel i... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Nikola,I cannot believe that a fine Balkan who is educated and civilised and resides in a truly flat landscape cannot imagine admiring a beautiful redhead passing in the street and a moment later.......swivelling at the stunning sultry brunet... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Regards Professor,My cartridges both have a gold body with an integral black coloured attachment base which could be metal or even plastic as it is on the 1000ZE/X.On the side of the gold body is black printing (half of which has disappeared)........ 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
You're right Chris......the 4000D/III is hard to upset.I have two of them.......one in permanent attachment to my Copperhead whilst the other resides in an FR-3 headshell able to be inserted into the FR-66s or FR-64s at a moments notice.By listeni... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Perhaps you could work with the coupling and eliminate it or reduce it, and see/hear if it sounds any different. Hi Fleib,Isn't that precisely what I do every day by listening to a rigid tonearm with fixed headshell (DaVinci) and a rigid (structu... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Professor and Danny,For some reason beyond conventional wisdom.......both Thuchan and I have found that the Empire 4000D/III really loves a high mass arm like the FR-66s and sounds positively euphoric in my Continuum Copperhead.I'm just sayin... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
I also agree with Raul on these issues....but isn't a resonance that shows up in the electrical output on test equipment, more scientific than people listening on an unfamiliar system and being put on the spot? 'Scientific' would include controlle... 
Azimuth observations and importance
I'm with you Lew when it comes to azimuth paranoia.Life is good without it :^) 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Fleib,Agreed…..we do have a basic problem.I’m not a great proponent of blind listening tests either…..however when a statement is made that a principle in audio is superior to another, that statement should be demonstrable in some scientific ...