

Responses from halcro

Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
David,Thank you for taking the time to pen that wonderful post.An intelligent, comprehensive and learned summation of sometimes forgotten 'history'.The story of Wagner and his 'orchestra in the pit' of course is singularly pertinent is relation to... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Raul,I have two cartridges coming back from Axel:-FR-7f & Clearaudio Virtuoso......both with the 'Nandric' approved nude Line Contact stylus in aluminium cantilever.Should they prove to be as good as everyone says........I am intending to... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
David,I applaud your contribution to the task of attempting a definition (or glossary) of audio terms via some technical specifications.This seems to go some way to helping Nikola in his quest?What is evident however......is that your glossary app... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Professor,Peter Ledermann is the 'exception' I mentioned in current cartridge designers and from all reports from my trusted sources......the cartridges he produces (including the Strain Gauge) are not to be sneezed at?With the bamboo cantile... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
It's interesting that Lew brings up the subject of 'valves' and 'transistors' in this discussion on MM and MC cartridges?I have heard a lot of the best SS amplification (both preamps and power amps) including Gryphon, MBL, Soulution, Plinius, Mark... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Thanks Lew.I also am wondering about Raul’s evasiveness in revealing his two ‘choice’ LOMC cartridges?Furthering your thoughts on trying the ZYX UNIverse LOMC cartridge………I have had three of them and for at least the last 5 or 6 years……it has been... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Nandric,I can actually understand your response :^)....and it gives me some solace just as Dgarretson's Thoreau quote does.By the way Dgarretson.......a wonderful selection of equipment in your system. I'm impressed :^) 
Lyra or ZYX ?
The FR-64s is truly a great arm suitable for low compliance MC cartridges and.......surprisingly.......high compliance MMs.It can be found for $1500-$2000 on the Internet.As Syntax says......you can then "close the book" :^) 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
terms like "smooth" and "romantic" are usually problematic...They have a strong tendency towards subjectivism.... and as a result can mean something different to each and every person.For the last four or five months…..I have been re-evaluating a... 
High quality subwoofer - which one?
Rower,With remote subwoofers.........one has the ability to position them to counteract room modes, suck-outs etc and achieve the strongest bass performance at the listening position.With subs attached to the main speakers.......there is not that ... 
High quality subwoofer - which one?
This article by Richard Hardesty convinced me to buy the Vandersteens2WqRegardless of the brand of subwoofer......this is quite a valuable article IMHO. 
High quality subwoofer - which one?
Rower,Your last posting on the single Paradigm sub seems to contradict your valid (IMO) penultimate conclusion on the benefits of multiple subs does it not?Having lived with a single REL Stadium II subwoofer in my system for 10 years (running full... 
High quality subwoofer - which one?
The Vandersteen 2Wq subs come with a high-pass filter.....which IMHO......makes a huge difference to the headroom available for the main speakers.They have three 8" woofers per sub driven by its own 300 watt amp.The passive W2 high pass filter is ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Hi Montepilot,Congratulations on your system.It certainly is of the highest calibre and able to illuminate the qualities of all your cartridges.What you hear....you hear.And you are certainly in the majority of high-end analogue listeners in your ... 
Multiple arms, multiple cartridges and geometry?
Dear Mapman,Shouldn't the letter 'p' in your name....be a 'd' :-)