

Responses from halcro

Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Hi Lew,It is rather surprising when you think about it........the more our hearing deteriorates as we age......the better I think we can appreciate the nuances of the analogue signal?That is surely 'thesis' material right there!!? 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Thanks Professor,Even I can understand most of the concepts contained in your excellent information.I admire the way that you have analysed the 'properties' of cartridges and their resultant effects on the 'voicing'?We both share a high regard for... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Eight months ago, a package arrived from a dear friend in Kentucky, which contained an unannounced……and unheralded phono cartridge, the Signet AM10s….but with an AM20 stylus ready to attach.Sometime later….another package from the same source appe... 
Nude Turntable Project
Welcome to the club Dickson.Who knew there were so many TT-101s out there still in working order?How did you acquire yours?.....and have you had a chance to hear it operating?The drawings have been sent.It would be good to hear the feedback from a... 
"Harder" cartridge recomendation
Dover,I feel you misunderstand the reasons for my preference for MMs over MCs?I do not hear an abundance of high frequency exaggeration in MCs.I have at least 3 or 4 MM cartridges which give a greater and more detailed extension into the upper fre... 
"Harder" cartridge recomendation
Dover,Apology accepted. Like Nandric I too often enjoy your humour and value most of your contributions.I don't believe the glass table is accountable for my preference for MM cartridges?I do think that I hear differently to most others.......and ... 
"Harder" cartridge recomendation
Dover,Yes.....polished stone and glass are reflective materials.Every auditorium, performance space and listening room requires a blend of reflective and absorptive materials.For drama.....the requirement for reflective surfaces to absorptive is d... 
"Harder" cartridge recomendation
I would expect that this environment would be very unforgiving of any forwardness in the mid to top end.Dover,Only a fool or a genius would believe he can predict the sound of an ‘unheard’ system by ‘expectation’?From your history of postings on ... 
"Harder" cartridge recomendation
Pani,Leaving aside my preferred MM cartridges and comparing my FR-7f (Axel modified) to the 10 or 11 LOMCs I have heard in my system.......I would say that the FR-7f is my 'go-to' cartridge when I wish to listen to a MC.For 6 or 7 years.......the ... 
"Harder" cartridge recomendation
Bydlo,An FR-7f is for sale from Tommy at TopClass Audio who sells only the best of items and checks them all out.This cartridge has been checked by Ikeda himself who states it is in excellent condition.Unfortunately....you must pay for this consid... 
Nude Turntable Project
Hi Lew,I have just returned home.....although your description of the 'stranger on the train' is tempting me to return to Positano forthwith to conduct a house to house search?And yes......whilst there maybe a Sorrento in Victoria just as there is... 
Nude Turntable Project
Hi Mab,Welcome to the TT-101 Club.It's certainly growing?You're fortunate indeed to have found one in good working order as the complexity of the innards looks quite daunting?With all these nude Victors now in use.......someone suggested a 'packag... 
Cleaning fluid on the cheep
I'm with Buconero on this one.Steam works well, does not deteriorate in the bottle or the RCM.........and is cheap.I have not looked back since switching. 
"Harder" cartridge recomendation
Bydlo,I have no experience with the SME 3012R arm so cannot comment on its ability to handle the FR-7 series cartridges.Please don't be upset with my friend Nandric.......he is Balkan.That should explain everything?!He is blessed/cursed with a sen... 
"Harder" cartridge recomendation
Bydlo,There has been a strong second hand market for the FR-7 range of cartridges for some time now.The good ones seem to be sold to waiting buyers without much advertising?Having been through the process myself......I really wouldn't worry too mu...