

Responses from halcro

Multiple arms, multiple cartridges and geometry?
Dear Nikola, Thuchan and Raul will really understand your effort.Now that you've pointed it out........I realise how in the minority I really am?!But what is this....changing the geometry to match the record??!When you are telling me that this is ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Montepilot,What phono stage are you using with the MMs and the MC cartridge?I have found that many of the 'modern' phono stages include a MM capability as an afterthought.......if it is included at all?The quality of the phono stage for a MM/MI ca... 
Multiple arms, multiple cartridges and geometry?
Good questions Mapman and Peter......In one way I agree with both of you. There really are too many choices BEFORE I even choose a record to play?!On the other hand......for 30 years.....I listened to one turntable with one arm and one cartridge (... 
Multiple arms, multiple cartridges and geometry?
Dear Raul,Why not align all tonearm designs at 225-227mm?THE REASONIt ain't a pretty sight huh??.....and most arms should sound their best at their Manufacturers recommended specifications?But apart from all that......I would then not be able to u... 
Multiple arms, multiple cartridges and geometry?
OK........have just spent the day checking my arms and cartridges :-(Who said that "Analogue starts with anal"?Apart from one of my ZYX Universe cartridges mounted in the DaVinci 12" Grandezza and one of my Empire 4000D/III Gold cartridges which i... 
Multiple arms, multiple cartridges and geometry?
Yes Ecir and John,I'd forgotten your earlier response on this subject John.......but reverse engineering seems to be the way to go?I will try it and see if it works on all my arms with all my cartridges?Thanks...and keep tuned :^)Henry 
Multiple arms, multiple cartridges and geometry?
Dover, and the only changeover issues would be tracking weight and VTA.That's what I thought and the principle I have been operating under?However.....I fear that is not the case?The effective lengths and overhangs being different for all my arms.... 
Multiple arms, multiple cartridges and geometry?
Dear Nikola,Que??.........Lew.......you're right about my ability to 'massage' the spindle to pivot distances for all my arms.I'm thinking......and I may be wrong (need to check the Vinyl Engine formula)....... Whether I can adjust the P to S dime... 
Multiple arms, multiple cartridges and geometry?
Dear Raul,Oh oh.......you mean that when I set up a cartridge on one arm with, say.....Baerwald geometry......it doesn't mean that it will be correct if I change to another arm with a different pivot to spindle distance and overhang?I somehow fear... 
Turntable speed accuracy
Perhaps the key to the accuracy and consistency of many DD turntables.....is their inbuilt ability to monitor the platter speed against a quartz crystal timing device......and make instant corrections for any deviations?I don't know of any belt-dr... 
Turntable speed accuracy
Thanks Albert,A thoroughly lucid and objective opinion........from a subjective point of view.....which is all we can really have after all?Right Nandric? :^) 
Turntable speed accuracy
Albert and Lew,You don't specifically mention it......but I assume the SP10-3 maintained its speed with and without the cartridge tracking the groove?Also Albert......you don't specifically mention if the NVS passed the Timeline test with equal ap... 
Turntable speed accuracy
Dear Raul,It is rather strange that the ability to maintain accurate and consistent speed for a turntable whilst playing records.......appears to be the hardest feat (for most of them) to achieve?I would have thought that this is the primary (sine... 
Turntable speed accuracy
I sent the amateurish YouTube video of my TT-101 with the Timeline to Ron Sutherland who was so impressed....he said he was going to include a link on his new web site.Ahhh....fame at last :^) 
Turntable speed accuracy
Hi Albert,I have seen exactly that phenomenon with the Timeline on the Raven AC-2 driven by a slipping thread.I know exactly what is happening and it is borne out by the laser mark AND the sound at the very same time.The Timeline is its own reward...