
Responses from gsm18439

Shindo Labs Amps and Preamps
Also within the Shindo line, there are less expensive options such as the Cortese. (There are two for sale on Audiogon.) I have heard the Cortese (although not with the O/96); and it is a good amp at a more reasonable price than the more expensive... 
Fastest way to correct hifi system?
Especially if the system is to be placed into an existing room, try to audition the speakers at home.  
Lesser known 2 way bookshelf Speakers from the 80's
Celestion (SL-700), Rogers (LS35a), Spica (TC-50).  
$10K-15K short list?
Many options. However, you should try to have an in-home audition. Speakers sound very different in your own listening room compared to the audio store - especially if you have placement limitations. In the DC area, Gifted Listener Audio, Deja Vu ... 
Tube Amp Pricing
There is probably an asymptotic relationship between price and performance. Some circuits are simple (ie., SET) and use the fewest components; others are much more complex. Individual components then become a factor - silver wound transformers, fo... 
2017 ‘Keeper’ speakers under - $25K
Many options. My personal three would be Zu Def 4, Audio Note ANE, and Living Voice. However, there are other variables that you should consider (such as any placement issues); and at that price in-home audition should be a must. 
Who listens primarily to Redbook CD?
IMHO there is a greater variance among performances and recording quality than between Redbook versus other formats. I have an AncientAudio LektorPrime CDP. 
Psvane 300-B Tubes ? ? ?
Best full range loudspeaker for the used price of 10 to 13,000 dollars
At your price-point, you should be able to demo speakers at home. You won't know if they satisfy you until you hear them in your own environment.  
Psvane 300-B Tubes ? ? ?
Part-Time audiophile reviewed Takatsukis in one of the BorderPatrol 300b amplifiers - not sure whether it was the PSET design or the SET or PP design. As I mentioned, I love my Takatsukis; however, you need four of them. Pricey. You might consider... 
High Quality bi-amp-able full range speakers - choices?
Zu and Rehm (sp?) have built in powered subwoofers. Zu can be biamped using your own amplifiers. Not sure about Rehm. Both are full range. I think that Audio Note ANE can also be biamped and are almost full range. I am sure that there are others.  
Psvane 300-B Tubes ? ? ?
I preferred the sound of the Sophia Royal Princess over the sound of the Black Treasures. However, once I bought a pair of Takatsuki 300b, I stopped using the Royal Princess. Charles (charles1dad) likes his EMLs a lot. Others like the KR Balloons.... 
Who is the WORST Audio Shop?
I split my time between DC and NYC. My favorites in NYC are Rhapsody Audio and In Living Stereo. My favorite in DC is Deja Vu (actually, in Virginia, but not far from downtown). Among the three, Deja Vu wins hands-down for the equipment (some of i... 
The very best Sibelius recordings in analog
I have a personal fondness for Ormandy/Philadelphia Orchestra recordings of Sibelius. In part because they were early champions of Sibelius' work. In part because when I lived in Philadelphia I attended live performances monthly - if not more ofte... 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
6Moons has a (not very good) pic of the Druid VI as part of its Munich Show report. It looks like Druid V.