
Responses from gsm18439

Softone 300b repair
You might try DejaVu Audio - South in Miami. 
"Bookshelf" speakers designed to be placed near the wall behind them?
Audio Note. They are stand mounts that are designed to be placed against the wall.  
Speaker recomendation
I have a similar space and a wide range of musical interests (renaissance to 20th century classical, chamber to full orchestra and chorus, classical rock to jazz, female vocals. . . ). My 14.5x23' living room is at one end of a huge 23x45x16' spac... 
Good Speaker within a budget of USD10,000
There are some pretty audio decent dealers in Kolkata. Alternatively, WhatHIFI2018 will be held in Mumbai.  
New Speakers up to $15k - The more I read the less I know!
For that kind of money, you should expect an in-home audition.  
Who still listens to their First Generation Cd Players?
My Meridian (modification of a first generation PhilippS) died a long time ago.  
Whats the best sounding tube cd player up until now? Vintage or newer.
Ancient Audio makes outstanding tube CD players.  
most advanced speaker in a rectangular wooden box?
Zu Definition 4. . . . or any other speaker with a built-in, powered subwoofer. 
speakers with balls
What passes for Rock in 2018?  
Ranking of 1 or 2 best recorded violin masterworks in my humble opinion, first part (TMI)
I once had a copy of Oistrakh playing the Beethoven violin concerto. On Melodiya. I played it "into the ground." Have not been able to replace it. (IMHO, he is under-appreciated - perhaps because so many of his performances were not well-recorded.... 
Speakers least affected by room acoustics
The living rooms (my main listening rooms) in both my previous house and my current house have very high ceilings - 16 feet. I did not have a ceiling echo in either room. The current room is 24 x 14 with speakers on the long wall. All hard surface... 
Elrog 300b's for sale. Your thoughts?
Five year warranty? For real?? 
The ups and downs of tube vs. SS...
With the caveat that I have only owned low power SETs, tubes sound better than SS - in general. However, there are clearly very good SS amps (Bakoon, First Watt, for example) and not-so-good tube amps. As noted may times, speaker matching is more ... 
Deja Vu Audio in DC--are they open?
Definitely alive. And as Larryi noted, visiting them is a huge treat. Not only great equipment, but great people. We are lucky to have them in the DC area. 
Keith Jarrett's Koln Concert Now Streaming ! (and in MQA on Tidal)
I once attended a Keith Jarrett concert (Carnegie Hall) during which he launched into a diatribe against digital recording and playback. Not too long ago, either.