
Responses from gsm18439

Speaker Suggestions for 300b SET Amp
There are many parameters if the goal is full-range and depending on budget. Efficiency, placement, design, budget, etc. Also depends on your definition of full-range. Among high sensitivity speakers. . .  Audio Note would be a good match, but req... 
Zu def 4 are they the best speaker made?
For those of you who are concerned about measurements. . .  The ZuAudio website (About>Downloads) has measurements made in my living room using my pair of Definition 4s; they are part of both the downloadable owner's manual (definition mk.iv ow... 
high-efficiency loudspeakers
In addition to Teresonic, I would add Auditorium23. I heard a pair at CAF, and liked them a lot. But with the caveat that they were in a small room. 
Once you go 300b it’s hard to go back?
Lewinshih01: As I mentioned, I have owned both Yamamoto A-08 and DejaVu 45/2A3 SETs. I liked them both - a lot. Neither was very expensive, and both had good resale value. (I just needed a little more power, plus my 300b SET was custom made to wor... 
Once you go 300b it’s hard to go back?
CharlesThe Bakoon is different from the AA300b. Each has strengths. I could be happy with either. But not ready to swap.  
Once you go 300b it’s hard to go back?
jond: It was an SET that could use either 45 or 2A3 tubes. I have been fortunate to live near Vu's shop and have heard several of his amplifiers, but the only one that I have owned was a 45/2A3 SET.One group of amplifiers that is not often mention... 
Once you go 300b it’s hard to go back?
noromance and wolf_garcia. . .  easier said than done. 
Once you go 300b it’s hard to go back?
I started my SET journey with 45s, then 2A3s, and finally 300b tubes. The 45 and 2A3 SETs (Yamamoto or DejaVu) just did not have enough oomph regardless of the tube manufacturers. (Caveat: I have very long speaker wire runs between my amplifier an... 
high-efficiency loudspeakers
I have Zu Definition 4s and like them a lot. I drive them with a 300b SET. I have also heard and liked the Audio Note AN-E. There is an online commentary about high efficiency speakers: 
Full-sounding SS amps (besides Pass)
Two uncommon suggestions. Ancient Audio and Bakoon.  
What is your favorite budget audio component?
Spica TC-50 speakers. Audio Refinement electronics.  
$20K to spend on speakers…. . wait! There’s a catch!
I rather like JOND’s suggestion.  
$20K to spend on speakers…. . wait! There’s a catch!
I only once bought speakers without hearing them - preferably in my own space. That one time was from a manufacturer with a liberal (3 month) return policy. 
Capitol Audio Fest
Charles: CAF has grown every year and is very well organized and Metro accessible. The number of dealers and rooms continues to grow - in a good way. As I understand it, the venue will be the same next year. Zu was showing its new Druid VI along w... 
How expensive are best NOS tubes ? And how difficult to find ?
I have NOS Amperex7308 white label. But the others are modern - Takatsuki 300b and Sovtek 3H30. In the past I tried NOS 2a3 and 45 tubes, but was not that impressed.