
Responses from grislybutter

speakers and cables
@mswale I am pretty intrigued about those pads. I should say I am not in love with the look. But I can keep my eyes closed.  
speakers and cables
@mswale I have the foam and cork, if I just stuck it together, could that work?  
DCS Sending Legal Notice To Reviewer (Golden Sound) Over an Old Review of Their Bartok DAC
the willingness of parties to sue for some financial gain and to destroy someone's life is astonishing. Only in America.  
DCS Sending Legal Notice To Reviewer (Golden Sound) Over an Old Review of Their Bartok DAC
bullies usually win, regardless of the laws  
Is it possible for a high end manufacturer to overprice their goods?
@mapmap I take any explanation I can (other than everyone getting rich from drug money) On a positive note, I don't see the fewer part. There are so many new and new-ish cars on the roads, the wealth is well-spread. Not just in my fancy city, I s... 
speakers and cables
@imatthewj  update: I added the 100Hz high filters. So now the mains aren't singing as they used to but they are not overlapping either. I am OK with the sound, not enthusiastic, I guess the placement game shall begin. At least it sounds clean a... 
Is it possible for a high end manufacturer to overprice their goods?
to me it is a mystery how so many people have so much disposable income (e.g., from my db of speaker companies revenue) to buy high end gear. But I come from one of the poorer side of the world, it’s just my lack of imagination. And I feel the sam... 
No Output from Hegel H390
Hegel is awesome, don't upgrade :)  
speakers and cables
@mswale yes it’s like an animal farm, the more you have, the more it continues to cost. Kind of like when I walk into a rich person’s house, my first thought "nice but I would not want to pay the utility bills!" Since you sound like a vibration g... 
No Output from Hegel H390
are the speakers OK? Can you measure the signal the goes to the speakers?  
speakers and cables
@mswale We are here to help you spend thousands of dollars that made my day! It looks tight but there is some room like 10 inches to the left, 5 inches to the left. I can rearrange it whichever way I want, move the subs, these pieces are like... 
Amp suggestion for large 2-way Speakers
Is it better to invest in a separate, standalone unit? By "invest" you mean better quality (best performance/value for the money), resale value, easier to upgrade, etc.? Usually the lower the price range, the more likely integrated will perform... 
speakers and cables
@immathewj I would have a hard time placing it behind the listening position. I would have to rearrange the room and get long cables. And I guess it wouldn't solve the main limitations. Next time (there won't be a next time, my wife would stop m... 
speakers and cables
@immathewj so you are right in your questions, we discussed most of it to death. But the big question is - regardless how I set it up, how it will sound. Sometimes less is more. When I wrote high pass/low pass filter, I meant: external, sorry for... 
Do your ears deceive you?
I know the physics and CS behind it, I am not spending 2K on cables and streamers every person not drinking the cool-aid   the troll