
Responses from grislybutter

An audiophile is waiting for his turn behind the curtain at the Comedy Store.  
mine would have been "none, they listened to the music with their eyes closed" but @rhg3 was/were way better   
how many audiophiles does it take to change a life bulb?      
Best speaker brands for transient response
what is transient response?  
What’s your opinion about Dali speakers?
Dali is in the top 20% of speaker companies by volume, revenue, employees, etc. They have about 30 models which is a lot in the audiophile space and none of them are especially cutting edge or exiting - IMHO. If you want them for home theater, you... 
@edgyhassle good premise. I think Bose would also speak from the bottom of the pool while his lawyers would turn Klipsch upside down and shake him good to get all his valuables  
@jwillox you mean we would suck as entertainers? NOOOOOOOO   
Best speaker brands for transient response
@ozzy62 It's a start. I am always happy to add more data to make it useful.  
@blackbag20 yes! YES! YES!!!! thank you :)  
I honestly never had my jokes met with more awkward silence than on this forum. I gave up a long time ago.  
speakers and cables
@immatthewj yes, it also looks like this  There are at least 10 speaker companies I know of that combine powered subs with passive mid and tweeter drivers. So it's probably not a bad idea. When done correctly.... My main reason not to stack the... 
Gryphon Diablo 120
elephant here, still waiting for those photos   
speakers and cables
@immathewj I understood the stacking as the speakers on top of the subs, not the one sub on top of the other sub, which - I agree - does not seem to be a good approach...  
Best speaker brands for transient response
maybe this would help:    
Vibration dampening
it implies a few issues if the subs vibrate - it must sound "shaky". I wouldn't solve it by fixing whatever it is connecting it to the floor, I would eliminate the vibration.