
Responses from grislybutter

I want to buy new speakers for 50,000 and see it used for 30,000, what should I do?
Unless you have a very large room I think you reach the point of diminishing returns around $25K.   I would be curious about a blind test result for sure. I would 100% fail to name the more expensive speaker in a small/mid-size room.  
I want to buy new speakers for 50,000 and see it used for 30,000, what should I do?
@willywonka was it a serious question?  
Borresen X3 vs Harbeth 40.2 -- my impressions
 your budget is $11k max, you should stop reading at this point with my budget, I stopped reading at Borresen   
I will be blunt, it's hard to find a pleasant looking hifi rack. I would have it custom made.  
???Pre Amp Service???
if it sits in a box for more than 2 years, it's typical that it will work like a charm for two nights and then disintegrate into ashes like a Mission Impossible message.  
Mofi Sourcepoint 888?
this is the 5K competition. Not a crowded field...  
Is there a clear definition of what "Integrated" means?
but what constitutes the "pre-amp"? my guess is the "pre"?  
speakers and cables
@immatthewj  we often have such high expectations but we do not want to let ourselves be suckered in to confirmation bias  Well said. I think we have the ability to hear music in ways a normal person can't and once we do hear something extraor... 
Subwoofers and Seating Position for Klipsch Forte iv's
@dsper here is my diary of my very simple and not at all sophisticated journey. There are obvious differences, such you have a big room and true full range speakers. The end of my story... 
Preamp for Parasound A21+ with Sonus Faber Venere 3.0 speakers
you may want a tube preamp. The main issue with the P6 is that it has a zillion features. Are you planning to use them, such as the phono in, sub out, crossover, balanced in and out, etc. It's more like a swiss army knife preamp and not a fine "W... 
Looking for a great front ported bookshelp speaker recommendation
it’s a good brain exercise to try to keep up with the direction of this thread.  
Why no pics on A’gon Forum?
it's a forum engine from the 20th century (like many of us). It lacks major features that's considered normal these days. But once you get used to it, it does what it's supposed to. It's like a serious book, no pictures :)  
Looking for a great front ported bookshelp speaker recommendation
why do you have to put the speakers in a cabinet if the room is large?  
Looking for a great front ported bookshelp speaker recommendation
@blackiridium  There are speakers that are OK to be in a cabinet, that's how they were designed. I think some Devore and Revival models but I would check with the manufacturer.     
Revel Salon 2
I would offer 6K for it just to make sure it's not sold to someone else before I get there.