
Responses from gregm

ribbon tweeters
You have to redesign yr spkrs. Forget it! 
Do they make Speakers For Rap/Rock
As Albert notes, 115 db spl is VERY loud: placing spkrs @ the "dance" area, you'll still have to shout rather than talk to people at the other end of your space (the full bar) UNLESS you hide behind a wall -- or other serious obstruction. As an ex... 
MC transformers - what do they sound like?
Gregadd sezTransformers make it easier to magnify the signalThese trannies increase voltage at the expense of current -- they can't increase the energy, as you doubtless know.Downunder: if you're interested in improving your EAR, check a relevant ... 
Ring radiator tweeters - the future?
Eldartford sez:My idea is to exploit the extended range capability by using a FR to cover the range from 100 Hz to 8KHz or so, with a SW below and a tweeter aboveYou'll enjoy yourself immensely on that one! I expect you'll find that the tricky par... 
Do Audiophiles really like music?
Marco: LOL:) 
What cartridge?? Lyra, Dyno etc...
While waiting for a detailed response fm Raul (& others no doubt), I can give you a quick comparison b/ween Colibri & Allaerts on someone else's S Yorke TT (Burmester electronics, large orchestral music). The Allaerts was better by compari... 
Ring radiator tweeters - the future?
Gmood-- y're using a wide-range driver. You have tweeter response anyway.Out of curiosity, how do you cope with the 4kHz bump in yr response (I'm referring to the "sizzle" you mention)? Note, I'm not knocking yr spkr --just asking.BTW, the Vifa &a... 
Who's Replaced Odyssey amps/ Extreme / Klaus
I don't know about thrones -- or why you would wish to dethrone the Extremes. Do you use these and don't like them anymore, or are you interested in comparisons made & the budget required for "better" performance?BTW, "better" is often a matte... 
Jan Allaerts Cartridge Experience?
Andrew - no, I don't have the CAT anymore. However, ~0,5 signals worked OK (example, a clearaudio insider). The Allaerts was a bit too low for the cat gain stage -- volume was usually 10+ (I don;t listen at excruciating levels). By comparison, wit... 
Problems with interconnects
Probably a connection or soldering pb with the IC. Check the soldering at each end. 
Jan Allaerts Cartridge Experience?
Aoliviero -- {just noticed your question} I had an old MC1 connected to a CAT. Incidentally, on a Simon Yorke, too. The volume was on the low side, as Raul predicted. WIth that cartridge, it wasn't catastrophic -- but I had to move equipment aroun... 
Try Richter for Rach-2 and Horowitz for Rach-3 (both recordings). The sound is OK (except for Horowitz '30s recording) and the performance superb. 
Speaker and amp balance question?????
Sorry -- I mean that the HF noise you hear is probably airborne and picked up by the system -- not system generated.OTOH the difference in sound pressure level fm the tweets would normally come fm the tweets and (more likely) from their attendant ... 
DIY cables Vs Mass market cables.
RobWhen you say satisfactory, does that mean they will better JPS labs or Analysis Plus cablesIt would depend upon the system. The effort in commercial products goes toward achieveing "good" sonic results in different systems. WIth a diy solution ... 
If $ was no object what speaker would you buy?
Audio-movement(~kinesis :)) sez:The idea is to purpose-build a (most likely tube) amplifier that could drive electrostatic panels directly with no intervening transformerActually, Duke, such a thing exists(ed). I had one. Used 5HB7 tubes, OTL circ...