
Responses from gregm

How do you determine how much to spend on speakers
The speakers are a choice that is left up to a persons own earFor that matter, so are all other components. I'd add the "eye" as well as the ear.In practical terms, however, the above statement indicates absolute precedence to the speakers: speake... 
Merlin VSM-mm's a good value at $3000 used?
Our ears are very sensitive to harmonic distortion in the bass.This is news to me. In the old times, our ears' sensitivity hit the ceiling over 300Hz to ~6kHz (ballpark figures).HD in the bass can reach very high levels; 3% at equal loudness (as p... 
Merlin VSM-mm's a good value at $3000 used?
I never really understood the question of “Can these speakers (whatever they may be) fill my room…I hear you -- but what they mean is, "can the speakers pressurize my room?"A small spkr in a big room won't. It may play plenty loud -- but screach o... 
Crown amps
"Pro" amps are fine and they run the gamut of average sound quality to supreme sound quality. However, pro products are made for and intended to be use in specific applications. Your application is "studio" or "mastering" not abuse ("touring" or l... 
amp power vis a vis speaker power rating
You can safely use an amp spec'd at the max power spec of the spkrs.What you shouldn't do is max out both, amp & spkrs -- and this you;re unlikely to do because it's too loud.An overdriven weak amp (i.e. clipping & oscillating all over the... 
Pre-amp, integrated, new power amp...I'm confused
To add to your confusion, I would suggest a simple solution.*Park the MF buffer.*Purchase a nice used integrated for ~800 or less -- many here at Agon (vintage Acuphase, Nuforce, Krell, A-Analogue, Opera, Simaudio, Pathos -- even a diy gainclone..... 
TVC Gain effects
Does anyone have any guesses as to what could cause such an improvement with gainYou have current to spare -- but are lacking in voltage. I.e. yr source outputs a lot of energy -- but lower voltage than you like, or than the amp likes -- the latte... 
Passive Pre - No Regrets?
TVC= transformer volume control.It's a transformer with one primary (or two) and very many secondaries (20-30) each of which "transforms down" thereby offering a different level of attenuation.Each secondary is connected to a different position on... 
Anyone familiar with the Manger driver?
Thanks, W. 
Is this upgrade worth it?
Hmmm, from yr Electros' spec'd ~220W/8ohm, 1kHz, medium damping you'd be going to ~300W/8ohm, 1kHz, low damping with the MLs. Not much of a power/energy difference, I'm afraid.Have you ever tried a very powerful amp on these spkrs -- just to compa... 
The Best DIY Clones?
Check out the diy speakers links page as well as the jpo linksat audio diy central. 
Sonus faber Amati vs Amati
Well, from Mozart to Mahler and beyond, the present Amati is OK (I assure you the Strad is better by far -- but much TOO big for yr application anyway. BTW, the new Amati is +20k euro, not cheap). As I said, I *think* the new Amati version is more... 
Sonus faber Amati vs Amati
I have -- but, I'm afraid, I never noticed this difference in dynamics between Cremona & Amati... if anything, the Amati would be my choice. However, I wouldn't attribute this to "dynamics" per se but, rather, to a better rendition of scale as... 
Anyone familiar with the Manger driver?
Wolf -- what's "hologram profile" 
Is this upgrade worth it?
Second the above as, the Electros you have are good units anyway: it is not evident that they're flawed vs. the ML.