
Responses from gregm

What tube amp to drive Guarneri's?
What do you mean "add" a tube amp?? Play the two amps in parallel?? Or one tube amp for full-range?If the latter, and having tried a few -- but obviously not all -- tubes the only model that sounded OK was a KR sporting one big 611 tube/channel. D... 
No Pain No Gain?
Mainly:1)MarakanetzIt's based on the sufficient input level to your amplifier2)The output 20-20kHz impedance of the pre depending upon level (it may be identical at all settings or it may not).Cheers 
The Best Amp for the Price of Dirt
I guess we're still waiting for someone to come out with a decently-built, usefully powerful, compact, lightweight ... class-"D" ... amplifierHow about a kit: hypex sells them (.nl I think). 
problems with 24 bit cd players
Now, now, Herman:) 
Synergy - how to get there
Acoustat -- what you're referring to is setting up a system correctly (TT setup, xovers, relative amplitudes, etc). This is absolutely essential. Tweaking usually refers to an additive (or subtractive) intervention on components which are supposed... 
What Makes a Good RIAA or Line Stage?
A quick note on riaa fm practical experience only. The necessities: Overload margin, stabilised power, fully corrected and stabilised curve, channel identicity. The last two are more than just difficult -- they're horrendously painstaking, boring ... 
problems with 24 bit cd players
the reason i am not looking for a cd2 is its age and the chance that the transport , i.e., laser will need replacement. my player is showing signs of wear and has tracking problemsIt's easy and inexpesnive to replace a laser -- even the whole tran... 
Warmest speaker?
Any 3-way (or more) speaker whereby you disconnect the tweeter. Speaker warms up instantly. 
What Makes a Good RIAA or Line Stage?
Raul:Our attitude/philosophy in the electronic audio design is: truer to the recording and you can't blaim me for thatYou probably mean "truer to the reference riaa de-emphasis curve". Whihc, hopefully, means closer to the recording. After all, th... 
problems with 24 bit cd players
HermanThe digital to analog portion has to be solid stateWhy? Partly, for sure, but why all the way? I wouldn't personally see any reason to insert tubes in there -- but couldn't you construct a tube thingy if it tickled your fancy? 
CDP voltage output...what does it mean to volume?
Bottom line, 10 db SPL doubles the output. 70db is twice as loud as 60 db. 80 db is twice as loud as 70 db. 90 db is twice as loud as 80 db, etc, etc, etc.No, no Jmc.As Peak & others note, it is generally accepted that 10dB SPL "SOUNDS" twice ... 
CDP voltage output...what does it mean to volume?
So something playing 10db less will sound half as loudNote the phrase "will SOUND half as loud". 6dB SPL is half as loud. 
break in question
is it advisable or necessary to repeat the break in process when changing the component interfaceHardly. However, it has been rumoured that a wire, left unconnected for a long time may need to "re-settle".Admittedly, however, IME it takes very lit... 
Is it to much power?
I would prefer to slightly underpower speakers than overpower themIf you mean, operate the speakers slightly below their spec'd limits (~100W?) -- agreed. If, OTOH, you mean not having enough amplification power to meet these spec'd limits -- don'... 
HiFi lacking social recognition? listening is, for cultural reasons, not something most people do as an "activity." (Rarely do people sit and 'listen' to reproduced music- it is there as background for another activity).Exactly. I don't think it's a cultural matter, thou...