
Responses from gregm

About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone
Another drink to Pat -- you must have perfected your system by now (4 yrs!).Jadem -- how's life??? Give us some good news? 
Suspended vs. non-suspended turntables
More likely it is due to the sound of the cartridge, better loading and cartridge-arm synergy.When I heard a few Projects including your own and wearing an ortofon cartridge (but which?), the differences between models were clear (albeit not alway... 
B&W vs Vandersteen?
If you guys have to choose specifically between Vandertseen 3A Signature and B&W 802Well, the B&W of course. BUT.......Your better bet would be a pair of Vandy 4 or V (used). Better than the B&W 802. Cheaper to drive, too. I mention th... 
Amplifier Specs
I'm not sure I understand: why do you think "150W @ 1kHz/8 0hm load" a cheater spec?It is unlikely that this is a misrepresentation... it may not mean much (i.e. 8 ohms resistive, average? what about @ 20kHz, etc) -- but cheating? 
How much budget for bass?
You connect the subs from a 2nd pre/pro output usually. 
How much budget for bass?
Answering your question as a % is difficult because it depends on the price of the main spkrs. FOr best results you'll use two subs for better reproduction (think of subs as "woofers", rather than SUBwoofers)...It is indeed said that, "bass is the... 
Ortofon A90 review.... wrong choice of gear
If he had used a better phono stage and systemI would add: "And had loaded the cartridges correctly". I happen to agree about the phono, BTW. Not disputing the many qualities of the stage used -- but so many phonos seem to hover between mediocrity... 
Sony XA5400ES DAC Chip
Are there any special meds for us?Anxiety disorder drugs? 
3rd order crossover on a Cary Silver Oak One
can i change without too much problems the settings or the crossover itselfThe naswer is, NO. Don;t even think about it, it's too complicated & messy.Rather, wait a bit until the speakers break in & hope for the best. You might try placing... 
Phono pre to mate with Helikon? & replace Groove
The ASR is not what I'd associate with "magic" (but it's precise) and the PH 7 would not be the ultimate in dynamics -- but a nice phono all the same.At your price point, maybe something like the "LCR Cole" would do the trick... It was dynamic eno... 
compare the EMM DAC2 against the MBL 1511 or 1611 DACs?I haven't compared but I've heard both MBLs and the dac2, in the same system.Value for money wise the 1511 is recommended. So is the emm dac2; the sound is more perky or crisp (sort of bright)... 
Anyone here tweak any Legacy Focus speakers?
I join others in strongly advising you to forget modding those spkrs. Too complex. Either add a sub & cut off yr Legacies around 50-70 Hz, or get different spkrs. 
Speakers for live piano performance
Following up on Audiokinesis, take a look at Meyersound dot com.They make excellent spkrs, mostly pro. They are expensive -- but you can easily rent them in the beginning. As Audio- notes above, percussion is difficult to reproduce well, let alone... 
Hegel Amplifiers
I can echo Jnk above. indeed for the level, the Densen sounded more engaging to me. You should note, however, that I was not listening critically. 
Kharma ceramic blow up
Jtinn:It is always upstream. The driver does not just fail.Tsk, tsk. Of course a driver doesn't commit suicide:)!That, exactly that, was the question: i.e. in other words "what upstream element do you think caused the damage".In this case, probabl...