
Responses from gregm

help me remove noise from my vinyl setup
Scar, the SUT is recommended for its noise-filtering properties -- no?OTOH, if cartridge & pre are OK, it's either a cable problem, or a grounding problem, -- or simply the area there is very noisy... Strange! 
High pass and low pass filters
Of course -- that is where you start. Later, in fine tuning the system, you may be led to play a bit with the high pass. You see, the room interacts with the speakers (obviously) and getting the bass right is tricky... 
Are linear tracking arms better than pivoted arms?
Darkmo are there cartridges that work equally as well on the twoMy experience has been, not really! Perhpas because the cartridge quality parametres for one type of arm are different from those required for the other? I am, of course talking of hi... 
Polarity mystery: Can you help me solve it?
Kirkus, that was also my initial assumption -- Anyway, a 180d change can produce a relative suckout in the lower-mid area, whereby the perceived result is more clarity ion the upper register (=better imaging) and a more pronounced upper bass region. 
Polarity mystery: Can you help me solve it?
IIUC you reversed the spkr cable connections, right?If the sound is really better, it is probably your room acoustics favouring 180 degrees change in phase. Do you have the impression of a deeper soundstage now? 
Why did I get married?
USB DACs and digital audio fascinate him.. but he thinks in terms of software programsBUT, sound quality is linked to saftware -- couldn't you coax him to produce a new, better sounding, algorithm to improve on the 16 bit cd?? :) 
Focal Scala Utopia vs Wilson Sasha?
I like the Focal sound but doesn't that kind of droop- looking leaning-over cabinet profile turns me off.It's an attempt to time-align the drivers. Admittedly, it's not the most beautiful of designs -- useful, though. 
Gain Question
Markus, methinks Hermann has a point about more power; your amp maxes out at around an extra 19dB. So, on paper your top undistorted amplitude with the 40.1 would be around 103-4dB.Question is, can the 40.1 take many more Watts? If you get, say, a... 
Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?
I could propose a few: assuming it's not necessarily the only amp in the house...FM Acoustics 800 or 600 series;EAR 519 monos (vintage)M Levinson 33HPioneer A400 (vintage)Symphonic Line "Kraft" 250 stereoSymphonic Line RG7Krell KSA 50Cello Duet...... 
Driving myself crazy with TT purchase...
Either buy new OR used.New: Project or Rega. Plug & playThe ones you mentioned are used: the Thorens 125 is great!Mind you, used TTs require maintenance, which may or may not tickle your fancy. But they can make super tunes (much better than t... 
Need an " exciting sounding" digital cable
I notice you speak of "more spark, clearer bass". Nordost digital IC will do that. It won't maintain the natural warmth though: it will sound crisper. 
cheaper coupling caps on a budget
Apart from the shops above, you can also check out Solen in Canada -- prices are OK. 
Connecting sub to stereo system?
The second of the two preferred IF at all possible (i.e., if your source can "drive" two amps, the main & the sub). If not, go the other way.You'll be bale to tell if it's working through the low frequency energy -- if there's little ("no bass... 
15,000 LP's - What to do with records?
T-bone -- your math's a bit optimistic. At 10 sides/per (i.e. 5 records) that's more than 8 years!:) Regards 
speaker cables interconnects-diy
Ok for braided. Try here for another way of looking at things.