
Responses from gregm

Another Hum question
Sounds like a grounding problem (hopefully) rather than a caps problem (not so good) since it goes away in balanced mode. As to what to do about it... check your power cord and the mains plug. Failing that, I think you're better off speaking to a ... 
Amplification to B&W 800 Diamond
I'm not sure what you hope to get from other amps... I have listened to your amps driving a number of speakers very well indeed!Anyway, if you are adamant, I suggest that even more powerful amplification OR class A, are the way to go. So Adyton is... 
New but old fashioned looking speakers…
Which CJ premier amp do you own? What music do you listen to & how loud ?Anyway...a) if you have corners available, the Klipshorn are hard to beat for most kinds of music (all, except classical -- where I find them very capable as well). These... 
Speaker pairings with Pass INT-30A
One intriguing possibility would be speakers with powered bass unit (eg Zu Def 4); the limitation of the 30A is mainly in the lows, if one doesn't listen too loudly.Exactly. In fact, going beyond a "possibility" it would be a necessity in order to... 
Any one here heard the Bmi Oceanic Statement?
Of course there is fairy dust.You just can't see it. You only hear it. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
:)if I was not educated in Marxian theachings I would claim for her a saint status:)Maybe you could apply for "Hero of the Soviet Union" for historical reasons... or the Order of Lenin. :)OTOH, of course a mustache is more important than a cigar -... 
Avantgarde UNO or TAD CR-1 or Accuphase?
May I also propose that you keep your present Micros & add another subwoof. I.e., see the 2 Rels as a pair of "woofers". I've listened to a pair of Micro complemented by a pair of Focal subwoofs and the sound was full, powerful and complete (i... 
An audiophile dilemma
Rok2id -- You did mention your Polks further up. Sorry, I hadn't noticed. The model I heard is the 9. 
An audiophile dilemma
For instance, why does a Vandersteen, which I am sure is a fine speaker, cost tens times what my Polks cost?I can't answer on the price differential you mention & I have no idea which Polks you use & which Vander you are referring to, BUT,... 
Best Integrated, period.
Anyone heard the Neodio NR 1200 Yes, I have. It offers a very detailed sound -- i.e. high frequencies are stable and strong. Vs the Dart, I felt it was more precise, perhaps even, a bit drier. Another outstanding integrated is the Vitus Signature ... 
Turntable recommendation
GeochSimon Yorke's "Zarathustra S4" or the "Denon DP80" and you will never look for an upgrade. Do not overpay for an arm. It is the most fetish material in this hobby and in my case I've routinely substituting for the better till I've met my holl... 
Magnepan Service HORRIBLE???
Ultimately you will be well taken care of by Magnepan as they are a highly professional company:)A well meant comment, for sure, but that professionalism seems to take a long time to surface!I wouldn't want my spkrs or my car in a similar situation. 
Who uses high end TT setup for vintage records ?
Pani,But then truly neutral systems should not be biased to any recording technique, it should just bring out whatever is there in the groove "in the right proportion"A TT system with good resolution will bring out what is in the groove --- only I... 
Turntable recommendation
I am trying to figure out what to audition besides the classicWell, try a Clearaudio package instead. It's more of the fast, nimble, & detailed school of sound.Or, best of all, just purchase a top-level used TT as Elizabeth suggests... it's l... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Hallo gentlemen, long live (love) this thread!! So, I'm back after a long absence during which my venerable C-audio Discovery crashed, along with my finances (unrelated crashes). So, giga$ cartridges are out.Hence, my story with an Azden, which fo...