
Responses from gregm

Audio Quiz
JUST as I was ready to post my answers, Marty beat me to it! Of course, the answers I was posting tally with those that Marty revealed... ;>) No really, I got the micro-wave right & 1,2,4,5,7,10. Which means, I flunked. Maybe I should go ba... 
Is there an integrated amp that can beat my...
Badwisdom, I'm guessing that the Meridian output was not matched to the integre's line input sens. Also, I find the Passion a tad warmer than the YBA (with S-Faber speakers), so I'm guessing again that what you heard was the YBA.Pmavridis: another... 
Audio Quiz
Herr Prof, No10 is spelt "Primare". Do I get some credit? 
Treating foam speaker surrounds
Sean, I have used car interior treating products such as Armorall on HOME speaker foams with good results -- as far as I can tell. The foams look as new and still feel springy. I do it regularly on an old speaker pair and, particularly during dry ... 
Equipment reviews, are they credible?
A small point that I particularly enjoyed: Anarchy (nrchy) asking Clueless for help. Beautiful combination!On subject, reviews are useful IF they include important parametres such as up/down stram equip & reviewer's tastes. I get a lot of insi... 
Pure Monstrosity re: Monster tm cables
I am often surprised & always dismayed that many companies with the resources to conduct research (such as Monster Cables) -- and thereby introduce a better performing product at a competitive price -- don't seem to hit the cutting edge of con... 
Compressed recordings? HiFi enemy 1?
For my system & ears, definitely yes!Danner: classical recordings have compression -- lots of it, unfortunately :(. Indeed, in some cd versions of old recordings you can hear the effects quite clearly.Dynamics are too high going from a pianiss... 
Suggestion for Amp to 2 ohm loads?
If 2ohms are in the common spectrum for yr speakers, I would make sure my amp is optimised down to about 1ohm (see garfish above) or go with products that take low loads into account; Symphonic Line RG4 is one such product (see Rulee, above). Of c... 
speakers for 300b amp
Twl has hands-on experienceon the subject and says it all. Just to add that a complex c/over is not recommended -- it eats up energy of which you have little! Hence, the added convenience of a single driver 
What is the best universal speaker cables?
Consistently sounded *GOOD ENOUGH* in different systems: Nordost SPM / VERY GOOD & musical: Bearlabs (silver), Siltech (gold) / Nordost Valhalla.But there are many cables I don't know well enough! 
Upsampling put to "THE TEST": R U ready 2 take it?
May I join the cohorts of those who thank Zaikesman for the thorough experiment and thoughtful reporting of results. 
best transport for Audiomeca Enkianthus DAC
I agree with Silv who agrees with Sattothestars. The Audiomeca is voiced with its own trans -- for what that's worth... Finally, any good implementation on a Philips trans usually gives an euphonic result, the Sony trans gives a dynamic result (ge... 
Do You Understand Music?
I think that Zorn & O Coleman are extreme examples for some, who like myself, were more accustomed to classical music with a preference for things before 1940. I listen to jazz (D. Cherry, Miles, etc) and Blues -- but the sound of Spy vs. Spy ... 
Tube or SS for Sonus Faber Amati Homage
If the opportunity arises, the following tubes in my (limited) experience deserve a listen: Tenor, KR mono, CAT (stereo), big ARC monos, Pathos monos. I wouldn't want to give preference which could only reflect my musical tastes.There are certainl... 
What do you think about this idea for the FORUMS??
Nice touch, Audiogon!I think this may help us become more familiar with, and closer to, one another. Cheers