
Responses from gregm

Am I going insane?
Tweeker, give the B&W 800S (well driven) a go. You may be be surprised at the sound quality!(Of course, if you add the cost of the spekears to the cost of the amplification required to make them chirp, you go a long way; hardly a commercial pr... 
B&W Signature 800 vs Watt/puppy 6
B&W vs W-P/6: B&W more life-like portrayal (Wilsons: larger than life), tonality is more precise, a tad more balanced spectrum, the upper register is preferable, and more musical overall; BUT the Wilson *seem* easier to drive well than the... 
Best Component Ever, for the money
Rogers Ls3/5A speakers, Quad 53/63, Linn LP12, Nad 3020, AR sp6, Goldmund ref TT, Cello Audio palette, Goldmund mimesis 7.1 pre, OTL amps (Futterman), Metaxa amplification... Many were not inexpensive -- but had trend-setting &/or distinguishi... 
What is the most expensive?
FM Acoustics electronics -- most prices start @ ~30K per piece. But these pale by comparison to the Kharma... 
Some thoughts about value in high-end audio
Indeed, as Clue(full) descrbed & Trelja further illustrates. EXCEPT for techological advances in components that make life easier for designers. Speakers, for example, some amps... but also, the means that some manufacturers have that others d... 
Levinson or Krell
The 33H would probably be more on the "musical" side while a bigger Krell more on the analytical. I state this with reservations as I have heard your speakers with Krell 600 & A-R, side by side. The ML I heard with other speakers, so I'm extra... 
Phono Amp Recommendations
Deana & Artemus: Marakanetz makes interesting suggestions above -- I too put the Trichord well above the cube (i don't know the monolithic that well). Buy used if possible, the only problem being the European 230V transformers... 
The weakest link?
...or experiment with another speaker cable. (can you audition a Nordost SPM -- just for ref purposes?)I'm just as perplexed as Sean & Garfish: that's a good-looking system you have there! 
Sim Eclipse cd or player which one
I, too, like the Capitole -- but have also enjoyed the EMC for dynamics and the Lurne for musicality. Final decision MAY depend upon what kind of music you listen to and HOW you like that music to be reproduced, i.e. you are a "stickler" for what ... 
Phono Amp Recommendations
For a quick (but decisive) spin, I too second the Lehmann and add the idea of a used Linn. Cheers 
Am I going insane?
What about German products... definite correlation b/ween some of their cars & audio equip. Heavy engineering, tight tolerances, look "authoritative" and built like a tank, go fast; Symphonic Line: MBenz or Audi, Burmester: BMW, Acapella: ? (a... 
Ribbon Tweeters
Rory, I *think* the Piegas roll-off higher than 20kHz... (Heard the 10 once & was impressed, BTW.) Also, I have not experienced any tonal/ phase/? inaccuracy listening to ribbon tweeters -- but that's just me, no ribbon "guru" here! OTOH, is t... 
What Would You Do?
Smith likes the Tannoys, the Tandberg & his Mc, so let's see what our collective wisdom can come up with keeping (most/all) of these items. I, for one, would opt for a used cdp -- the likes of Audio Aero, Electro, the small Lurne... maybe even... 
What is your favorite Strauss The Last Four Songs?
I have opted for E. Schwarzkopf/Szell over the Ackerman. Even though Ackerman's earlier version offers a younger Schwarzkopf, I like the maturity of her voice in the Szell version & the classicism of the latter's conductiong. For the Metamorph... 
Abstract7 signing over…
Good luck with the new venture, Abstract -- oooops -- Rives!