
Responses from gregm

Bi-amping, "What amps would you use"
Sean, you just blew me out of the house! Indeed, this looks (and probably sounds) like an ultimate system i.e. taking available products & implementing the most sonically efficient set-up... bending the limitations of the products to serve the... 
Smallest Bookshelf Speaker Worth Listening To
I second System audio & LS3/5A. The size of S-Audio is inversely proportional to the size of the amp that will drive them to perfection. The cost is comparable! They're supposed to be mega-speakers for a small room -- the idea being that a sma... 
Which has a greater effect on music,int.amp or CD?
then you will probably prefer the YBA line, cd & integre. Also they do synergise VERY well. I have found the YBA a better, if more expensive, proposition. Especially when listening for longer periods of time -- i.e. living with the components.... 
So close yet so far....oh the pain of it all
Sugar -- that's a rare piece. It's not funny... I heard some Pressler Mozart on one of those tiny Italian label cd reissues -- but can't remember details. I don't think it was the same recording though (but it could be: just taken direct off the LP). 
Bi-amping, "What amps would you use"
Sean, wow -- so cumulatively speaking, that makes it penta-amping at full home level...:) I barely manage the bi (amping, I mean) -- plus both are stereo units at that! 
Classical lp dilemma - recommendations, please
Hello 23yr old dinosaur -- which of course, relates to vinyl, not your age; by the same token I'm a double dinosaur :). Furtwangler & Klemperer (conductors) for Beethoven's 9th, for his piano works (incl. Elise) I recommend the following piani... 
Power cord from speaker cables?
KR8000 draw alot of juice. I don't know the diametre of the hexlinks -- but I would make sure I'm within regulation size for the amperage required. Don't do antyhing before you get feedback from the likes of Sean!Nice system, though. What's the rest? 
So close yet so far....oh the pain of it all
Sugar, is this real? LOL 
Bi-amping, "What amps would you use"
Dr Sean has asked the important question. BTW, gossip has it he tri-amps, so he probably knows a thing or two on the subject.My speakers are factory-made "bi-amps". The division is b/ween woofers (8 x 8") & the rest. 
Avantgarde's are Great but Bass Integration?
Wow, Audio, your epistle is brief & staggeringly to the point. My hat off! Cheers, 
The Amp Quits Agin -- Am I Missing Something?
Whatever it is, it doesn't seem like an external enemy -- otherwise both amp channels would be on hols. EXCEPT if the main ground is wired onto the right channel & it blew due to trash entering the system from the mains while you were away. I ... 
Music to test with:
Same as Detlof above + lieder in mono. An old Dieskau is fine: can I visualise Mr Dieskau, his physical size, & the characteristics of his voice? For the adventurous dealer, a tinge of Mahler 2nd symphony (1st & last parts) can also serve ... 
Review: Spendor S-100 Speaker
What do you drive these speakers with? I had them aeons ago & never managed to drive the boxiness out of them; I used triwire with DNM (good speed, but not enough), EAR 519 monos and a big MF. Best results with the 519 + DNM 6 pre. Maybe I sho... 
Electrostatic speaker cables...
Incidentally, I have tried bearlabs speaker cable on esl with very good results. Note that I use these cables on my regular system too, so it's a reflection of taste.. Also take into account that the ESL in question has an erratic impendance curve... 
Pure Monstrosity re: Monster tm cables
Gallaine, I don't think anyone would argue that your [techniques are rather severe or that.. (you)...should not have to exercise them in order to be free of the evils of aggressive marketing]. It's more like a life-style & as such probably doe...