
Responses from gregm

Class A amplifier choice, need suggestions
Gvatchna, you beat me to it. IMO, the Kraft ref 250 class A stereo should be sufficient for the 3.8's. I heard mine driving a slightly bigger Proac and was very impressed by those speakers.But, Detlof's Jadis -- ahhhh. 
Replacing cable from tonearm to phono stage
Cp -- with all due respect (& between us) the wiring on the Ittok is not very good. I don't mean it's worse than others, just the above. I happen to have had one rewired with Discovery as per Basement above (Archiv cartridge). The termination ... 
Cable vs. Electronics: biggest bang for the buck
Asa, shouldn't they should coexist, the one taking precedence over the other through the fear of loss (Kant?) -- or the expectation of bliss (Feuerbach?)?(Have I masked my ignorance of Jung well enough? I wish I were as assiduous as Detlof when th... 
Ouch... I hope that whoever is moving INto the room can *somehow* alleviate the pain! Stiff upper lip, old chap & remember Detlof's words! 
What do you think Audiogon does right? or wrong?
I love the format.The user friendliness.The speed and ease of navigation.To further paraphrase Albertporter, I very sorry I didn't think of this first (or second; Albertporter beat me to this comment too).Nice community too! (I beat Albertporter t... 
Cable vs. Electronics: biggest bang for the buck
Detlof, Asa, others: NOW we're getting somewhere (ref to Bourgogne, Detlof's latest post). Isn't it unfortunate that the guru can only *point* but cannot carry you there; the actual journey cannot be made by proxy, each for, & by oneself... bu... 
Cable vs. Electronics: biggest bang for the buck
Detlof, didn't know that about C-G. BTW, weren't we told to meet the devil head-on? Knowing he should NOT listen to music and acting upon it, Jung obviously brought his awareness to "passage a l'acte" level.Funny thing, Asa, I trained as a lawyer ... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Strange, I always listen to analogue first then switch to cd; the other way around & the cd sound annoys me (no offence to redbook digital -- just habit)! 
Cable vs. Electronics: biggest bang for the buck
Interesting bio note, Asa (& enviable system(s)!); as a side note, did you find Jung more present in this hobby -- or your "past" profession?On topic, Judith & Albertporter (10/10) summed up my experience with cables... 
Audio Physic Virgo Owners......
Not knowing yr tastes, I can only give you a list of amps I enjoyed with Virgo @ home:-Yba (ss): Passion stereo, Yba1 stereo hi-current-Pathos monos (tube)-Symphonic Line (ss): RG4 mono / RG7 / Kraft 250ref (the best)-KR Antares (tube)-KR 800(0) m... 
Opinions on preamps
Other than those listed, have you considered (and rejected) the Klyne or the CAT (tube) with phono? 
Interconnect help for a NEUTRAL system
As Zaike notes, I can only take a guess -- & propose you also try Bearlabs (IC & speaker) & Nordosts (speaker); simply on the strength of good experiences with both on stats. 
Review: Genesis Technologies G-201 Speaker
Mejames, I compared XLO to spm & valhalla. I found the XLO more rounded, liquid in the mid-band, while the Nordosts gave more extension on either end and the mid-band was less prominent. Generally, both Nordosts sounded more "open". But then, ... 
Best Schumann recordings
My preferred performances (mostly recent recordings, all available on CD): Cello -- P Fournier/Orch Suisse Romande/Fricsay (Cascavelle)Piano: S. Richter/Warsaw Phil. Orch/ W. Rowicki (DG) -- OR -- Solomon/Philarmonia Orch./ H Menges (EMI) -- OR --... 
Review: Genesis Technologies G-201 Speaker
Mejames - the way I see it, your system as a whole is capable of creating explosive musical experiences! One question: did you choose XLO over Nordost IC's (say, spm or valhalla)? Cheers!