

Responses from grannyring

Townshend Springs under Speakers
Well I have owned the Star Sound Sistrum and Townshend Pod products and have heard first hand the differences each approach has to the resulting sound. Speakers on a hard wood floor with crawl space under the house. The Star Sound Sistrum platform... 
Learning to Listen: Neurological Evidence
Great posts guys. This is what I love about AudioGon. Wonderful stuff. #2 and #4 have been a big part of my listening journey.  I still have more to learn and enjoy the process.  
My favorite capacitor is the Duelund CAST tinned copper version.  They are available at HiFi Collective in the U.K.   They ship fast however.  Next is the Odam and then Jupiter copper foils.  
Odams are simply more real sounding than Jupiter copper foils. Improved realism. The stage is more open and speakers disappear more than Jupiter. Bass has more impact with the Odams. The Odams are more dynamic. Odams are more at ease and in perfec... 
How long does Class A have?
Seems there is no hope for us here. Censorship has nothing to do with this. The stated rules are not being followed or enforced. I blame Agon.I won’t join in and like many will slowly stop visiting this forum. Sadly this is no longer a place to co... 
How long does Class A have?
Can we stop it with these extreme political statements on this site. Come on guys. This is not the place to keep acting out your hostile political fears and insecurities. This site is for audio. I try to come here to escape this sort of behavior. ... 
Vcap Odams are the better choice, vs Jupiter, as I use both in speaker and electronics applications.  Not close.  This is something I can say with 110% confidence. You will like the Jupiter, no doubt, but miss out on what the Odams do better.  
Power cord supplied with Luxman L-509X Integrated Amp
The sound starts with your audio system’s home wiring, grounding, circuit, outlet and conditioning. You also forgot the fuse!  
My go to cap for years.  Used literally dozens of them. Great sounding cap for sure. But, the VH Audio newer Odams are better sounding based on my experience.  More open, improved bass and dynamics.  
Pay attention to outer foil and direction. Enjoy.  That is a great combo!  
The Odams are far better! Nice job with the Cutf upgrade! Just wait till they break in fully!  
High Quality dac with network streamer saves $1,000s
Thanks lalitk.  Impressive front end!  
How long does Class A have?
One year and 2 days perhaps, then gone!  
How important is it to have identical speaker cable length?
Not an issue at all. Don’t even think about it one more second.  One could be 8 foot and the other 20 feet and still no issue.   
High Quality dac with network streamer saves $1,000s
Lalitk, what unit are you now using? Thanks. It would seem putting all of the noise creating elements of streaming into a unit with a dac is not ideal. Also, my experience with attenuators in dacs has been it sounds OK, not great, compared to a gr...