

Responses from grannyring

Help Me Name a New Band
Surrender Dorothy 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
Yes, this is really to bad and a seriously poor decision. The sense of community here is disappearing because of recent changes and with it goes the long term health of this site. We are seeing the fall and ultimate ruin of something that was a jo... 
Room treatment made me cry.......a little........
Nonoise, Amen to your final comments! I am thrilled with the results of my GIK treatments. Everything you mention regarding sound improvements and more with my newly treated room. I have dipole speakers, and placing diffusion behind the speakers w... 
Room treatment made me cry.......a little........
I did try both a panel and blanket cover over the TV. I have a 52 inch screen and removing it from between the speakers turned out to be a far greater improvement. Sorry to have to share this, but this was my experience. 
Room treatment made me cry.......a little........
Ok, I placed an additional tri bass trap and monster bass trap behind me. Very nice indeed. Things are sounding very good indeed. I really like the GIK stuff. I purchased more then I needed however and will end selling some panels and one tri trap... 
Room treatment made me cry.......a little........
Panels make a difference. The homemade ones you mention and others do not absorb as evenly accross the frequency spectrum. GIK panels are 5.5 inches thick for the 244 panel. The monster bass panel is 6 inches deep.So instead of absorbing just the ... 
Room treatment made me cry.......a little........
John, your post had me LOL as I also have college and post college aged children. They come back for a season and then scatter. Empty nest to full house from one weekend to the next.As good as a treated room sounds the harmony of a loving wife is ... 
Room treatment made me cry.......a little........
Jmcgrogan, yes I will stay put! Ha!Buconero117, if the gear is 4 feet behind the front plane of the speakers and only 2 feet off the floor and in a rack that allows space over, under and throughout the gear, then how much can this really impact th... 
Room treatment made me cry.......a little........
Mapman, I have removed the TV to test before the treatments showed up and while there was an improvement, it was not that pronounced. The TV was about 5 feet behind the front plane of the speakers so perhaps that also helped negate some of the TV ... 
Room treatment made me cry.......a little........
I will add those other products just dulled the sound to the point that all the excitment was lost. I have educated myself on correct placements etc... and while these GIK products were placed in the exact same positions of the past room treatment... 
Room treatment made me cry.......a little........
Bombaywalla, I'm no spring chicken just onto something new...I have tried products from Echo Busters and other companies I won't mention. I have also built my own panels before. They NEVER did what these GIK panel did however. I ended up removing ... 
Is it save to convert XLR to RCA?
The buzz was an issue in my amp which is balanced and my Dude preamp is single ended. I purchased a Jensen input transformer and placed it between my pre and amp. Dead quiet now.Lissnr. Great!!! You will love the Dude. My Dude is just like yours. 
How much can be measured -- and how much cannot?
No, marketing is not driving what I think sounds good. I may be enticed to purchase a product, but after it is in my listening room the marketing is all over and forgotten. If it sounds good to me, I keep it. If not, I sell it or send it back.Mark... 
Price for the item when new. Cannot list the current new price as often times the unit has gone through changes along with the price increases.Straight forward answer it seems to me. 
Audiophile Truth 24
Any Maggie speaker vs a load of speakers costing 2x!