

Responses from grannyring

Tekton Double Impacts
Definitely staying tuned as this is the model that interests me the most. Based on my experience, even in a well thought out design, the quality of drivers and crossover parts really matter.....big-time! Any additional cabinet/dampening upgrades i... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Correct on the 2170 in terms of the finer "DAC" details.   I am saying to let the 2170 do its total thing🙂 
Tekton Double Impacts
An additional point on the 2170 to get the most out of it. It should be used as the one box solution it is. To simply use it as an amplifier, or as preamp with room correction only, or using an external DAC with it misses the greatness of the whol... 
Tekton Double Impacts
There is no hype on the Lyngdorf. None. Near nobody talks about it. I mention it here and there, as a voice in the wilderness, in a fair and complete manner. What I hype I can assure all is good, no great. Been there, done that with more gear and ... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Evolvist, David and I were both stunned at the improvement realized after running the Room Perfect set-up. I had the same reaction in two different rooms and with the Harbeth 40.1 and AZ Crescendo speakers. One of my rooms was already well "treate... 
Tekton Double Impact & Comb Filtering
Fact is most speakers "internals" cost very, very little that sell for $10,000-$20,000 new.  You won't find copper foil caps and top flight resistors from Path Audio or Duelund.  You will find sand cast resistors, electrolytic caps, less expensive... 
Tekton Double Impacts
David, great point that the 2170 is a nice SS option for some. It has been said many times that the DI speaker affords its owners many system options. That is certainly an audiophile’s dream! 
Tekton Double Impacts
Aniwolfe, prayers and best wishes for your family, home, and community in the face of this storm.  
Tekton Double Impacts
Thanks for sharing sch06. The DI speakers are so very intriguing to me and I am sure they would be great with the Lyngdorf. Another Aphile I am corresponding with uses the Lyngdorf 2170 and is selling a very high end, well reviewed, and expensive ... 
Shielded power cord best used on Digital/Source or on Tube Amps?
One can certainly slit the outer shield when trying to make it into a wire. I think the best way to "make a wire out of the shield "is not to slit it, but rather to unweave it so all the strands are intact. Once unwoven and all the strands are fre... 
Shielded power cord best used on Digital/Source or on Tube Amps?
This is needed to reduce noise!  
Are future improvements in Amp/PreAmps slowing to a crawl?
Love your innovative attitude Ralph! 
Shielded power cord best used on Digital/Source or on Tube Amps?
Ozzy, lak turned me onto the Furutech Nano-Ag-Au (FP-SO22N) 14 gauge power cable and it is very special. Best cable I have used in my rig for sure. I like what you said about how the details are presented without brightness. So true of this cable.... 
MQA vs. ripped vs. vinyl vs. hi res
I like the two Van Morrison MQA offerings on Tidal. I use Roon also. Much better then my rips.  More natural and full sounding.  Very obvious.  
Most Important, Unloved Cable...
@douglas_schroeder Wonder if your review is ready as yet? Very interested for sure.