

Responses from goldprintaudio

How hot are they ?
As Al mentioned above, the Cary CAD300SEI is great SET 300b integrated option, and I do not find it's heat output to really be any more/less then a typical tube based integrated.****Cary dealer disclaimer*** 
what speaker to match with rega brio-r
In addition to the Rega RS1's mentioned above, I would also take a look at the Tannoy Precision 6.1's. They also sound very nice with the Brio-R.****Tannoy and Rega dealer disclaimer**** 
The Tannoy Speaker Line - worth a serious look ?
Tannoy Dealer Disclaimer****The Definition Series speakers (along with the Prestige Series) are NOT made in China.The new DC10a is a very good speaker. Very, very similar to the Kensington SE in a more modern style cabinet. It's a pretty speaker t... 
Integrateds: $3K, $4.5K or $5K
Not sure if you are open to other suggestions, but as a Joseph dealer, I can give you 2 other great options for the Pulsars (incredible speakers by the way):Rogue Audio PharaohKrell s500i 
Best tube preamp with remote under $2000 used
How about a Cary SLP03? It should have everything you need.***Cary dealer disclaimer*** 
Variable volume CD Players
The EAR suggestion above is a good one. I have traded for them in past and have always been impressed with their overall sound.As another option, you could always look for a DAC with variable outputs and just use your ARC as a transport. You could... 
VPI Classic 1 Cueing Problem
Glad you got it figured out! 
VPI Classic 1 Cueing Problem
Nevermind my 1st statement (I was thinking of a different arm). The only 2 things that I can really think of off hand is 1) the arm is not seated right on the base (they can sit slightly off to side and not be directly on the point, but if this ha... 
VPI Classic 1 Cueing Problem
Just curious, do you have the arm sitting very high off the base? (ie the VTA will be downward towards the album) Using the rotating wheel adjustment (and the setscrews) on the arm base will allow you to bring the arm down so that the cue works. T... 
VPI Aries/JMW 10/Lyra Delos -- Phono preamp rec?
The new Rega Aria is very, very nice at the $1500 price point. If you can stretch your budget a bit more, then I would also strongly consider the Manley Chinook.***Rega and Manley dealer disclaimer*** 
Rogue Audio two new integrateds Great or Same old?
My Rogue dealer disclaimer is to let everyone know that I am a Rogue dealer (so of course I am biased). It's common courtesy on Audiogon to inform others if you are a dealer posting about products that you sell.With that said, the Pharaoh is quite... 
Disappointed to hear that Cary has no CD Players.
Cary has a new player coming soon. Do a search on the DMC600.Also, as a secondary option, perhaps think about trying one of the new Cary DACs with your current 306 as the transport.***Cary dealer disclaimer*** 
Suggestions short 3' tall floorstander?
Thiel 1.7's would work. 
Rogue Audio two new integrateds Great or Same old?
Still very impressed. If you have had a chance to hear the Rogue Medusa, you will have a good idea as to the sound. 
Where to go from Rogue M-150 amps?
Even though you mention that the move from the 150 to 180's does not really interest you, it may be a great option for you. That, along with some tube upgrades, would very likely bring you what you are looking for.A pair of Rogue Apollos would mos...