

Responses from goldprintaudio

Help picking a tube preamp, please
Cary SLP98 or perhaps SLP05.***Cary dealer disclaimer*** 
Autospec--There is a dealer locator option on the VPI site:http://www.vpiindustries.com/main-dealers.htmHopefully this will help you some.***VPI dealer disclaimer 
Apollo-r or Saturn-r
The above post's are spot on. As much as I like the Apollo-R (and I like it quite a bit), the Saturn-R is a pretty nice step up.***Rega dealer disclaimer*** 
Rega DAC vs Micromega MyDAC
Will you be running any high-res files? Or standard rate?If standard, an easy solution would be a Sonos Connect (and not to expensive), to go along with the Rega DAC (or your MyDAC).Rega and Sonos dealer disclaimer. 
Krell Foundation Sound And Picture
I'm a Krell dealer, so you can take my opinion as you see fit, but I think the Foundation is a fantastic pre/pro. Sound on both HT and 2 channel is very good. If you have not done it yet, take a look at the reviews you can find online (there are s... 
Recommended 5.1 processor + amp under 10k
Have you thought about keeping your amps and getting a Krell Foundation for the processor?***Krell dealer disclaimer 
Cary SLP-98 price new?
I believe the price sheet shown above may be a Canadian or foreign price sheet??In the US, the SLP98L is $4495 and the SLP98P is $4995.***Cary dealer disclaimer*** 
Pre-Amp for Class D Amp
Bel Canto dealer here...I have had great luck with matching up Cary SLP98's or 05's with the BC 500m's and 1000m's. Really nice match.Rogue Hera/Athena also do well with them.Cary, Rogue, Bel Canto dealer disclaimer*** 
Best DAC/preamp for under $2K?
All 3 Bel Canto DACs will do this.***Bel Canto dealer disclaimer 
Rega Saturn-R; Any impressions?
I'm really loving my Saturn-R demo unit. Very impressed with both the DAC and playing CD's.It's been a while since I've had an original Saturn here, but from memory, the new -R is for sure a step up (and I liked the original unit quite a bit).***R... 
SONOS drops wireless bridge requirement
Just as an FYI, Sonos has never required the Bridge to setup a system. As long as you have a hard wire internet connection to a Connect, you are good to go. 
Best sounding new DAC under $2500?
I've heard some good things about the BMC (but never heard it myself).Also check out the 2 new Cary Dacs. Both sound fantastic (and the 100 would be at your price point).***Cary dealer disclaimer 
PS Audio DAC II or Bryston: two great machines
Just curious, but since you have a Cary integrated now, have you considered either of the new Cary DACs? They are very, very good.***Cary dealer disclaimer*** 
Afraid to buy new speakers
For Symphony, I think both the Tannoy and the RS5 would work better (the Tannoy is very good).What size is your room? 
Afraid to buy new speakers
As noted above, most of the Rega floorstanders tend to work well close to a wall.As another option, check out the Tannoy Precision 6.4's. They are sealed floorstanders and I have also found that they work quite well near walls. Excellent speakers ...