
Responses from goatwuss

Gallo Reference 3.x Stands...
Has anyone tried the Mapleshade stands? I am strongly considering purchasing a pair of 3.1's this weekend, and I'm looking into stands. The Mapleshade ones look pretty nice, though they are a bit pricey. 
Spectron Musician III - Can anyone comment on it?
Also, has anyone compared a spectron to a Wyred amp? 
Spectron Musician III - Can anyone comment on it?
Has anyone heard the Musician II with the Hybrid plus upgrade? Does it sound good? 
Rega P3-24 Vs VPI Scout.
Hi Stringreen - I have no doubt that you are correct, but I think this applies to any turntable out there. The VPI tool is nice to have and will be a good starting place, and due to ease of use, will likely result in better setup than using a basi... 
best amp for Revel Studio speakers
LOL yeah I think Mechans has hit the bottle... but he's right, the Mac amps should be a great match for the Revels. I would look into room/setup 
Rega P3-24 Vs VPI Scout.
I went from a rega P25, to a scoutmaster, and I really like the change. I don't like how you can't adjust VTA on Rega arms. The VPI also has much more mass, it's a much more solid table. Also comes with a special 1 point alignment tool that makes ... 
Gallo 3.1 vs. B&W 804 vs. faber grand piano
Back to the original questions.SF - colored, and too warm sounding. It's cool if you like SF (no flames plz), but if you are looking for fast, accurate sound, this is not where it's atB&W - I agree with most above posters. I have heard great s... 
Musical full-range in the $3-4K range used?
It's too bad you heard the Dyns so poorly setup. IMO, they are the best pick on your list, as some of the others are more colored, ie. sonus faber. But if you like that type of sound, that's cool too.I would try and hear the Gallo 3.1s as well. I ... 
Front-Ported Monitors
I stand corrected ( : 
Front-Ported Monitors
"front-ported monitors which will produce deep bass (low 30s)"None.you're a lot better off finding the monitors that sound good to you from 60hz and up, and then putting a sub in the place where you get the flattest responseAlso, why is it a requi... 
how big a speaker can you put in an 11 x 11 room?
how big a speaker can you put in an 11 x 11 room? You will want to stick with small monitors + a small sub with that sized room. If you go with a big speaker, it just means you are going to have big problems in that very small space. 
Wilson Sophia 2's on Marantz Reference
I've heard both extensively, and I feel that the Sophia is the better sounding speaker comapared to the WP8.I have heard the Maxx and the Alexandria as well... So, I completely disagree about the whole Sophia not being good enough relative to the ... 
Which speaker did TAS put in place of Gallo 3
I'm considering buying a pair of 3.1s from a local dealer... They are currently "on sale" for $2,600. I wonder if he might know they are being phased out... 
Help me get the most out of my Merlin TSM MX
I think before coming up with a good plan of attack, you are going to have to identify the weaknesses in the results of your system.What about the sound that you're getting would you like to improve? 
rockport altair any informed opinions?
Hello, I have heard the Altair in an extensive demo in a well setup room.They sound good, for sure, but the thing to keep in mind is that at this price point, it all comes down to taste.Will you prefer them to the competition? The Wilson Alexandri...