
Responses from goatwuss

Krell FPB 400CX, Bel Canto Ref1000 MkII
"code word for cheap amplification aka dumbed down"Oh, you're speaking of integrated amps? 
Avalon Eidolon Diamond or Aerial 20T v2.
You gotta hear em ( :Heard em both in different setups.... Both very solid, but I like the Aerials better. 
Upgrade speaker cables OR amp for Dynaudio C4's?
Bridging the 102s is a great idea for the C4s. That should work out well. 
Maybe your turntable setup is actually okay . . .
Kirkus,Can you recommend an affordable and capable microscope that is good for inspecting cartridges?Based on the knowledge in this thread, I would like to get a clear look at mine. 
Gallo Reference 3.0/3.1 vs. Usher CP6311
I can't tell you where to audition these in CA, but I can address your other question, "are the Gallos all they are cracked up to be?"I've been doing hifi for some time, and owned quite a few speakers, some in the 10k+ range, and when properly set... 
Revel Salon 2 vs. Revel Studio 2
My hunch is that the midbass problems you experienced with the VS speaker is more room related than speaker related. I would hate for you to go buy a brandy new pair of Salon 2s, only to find they have the same problem.I'd say go for either, but w... 
What amp are you using with your Gallo 3.1's?
I am surprised that you had such bad results with the Mac. I auditioned the 3.1s with a full set of Mac 402, and C2300 pre. Absolutely inspirational superlative sound, in a so-so room with minimal treatments. Easily much better than many other aud... 
Maybe your turntable setup is actually okay . . .
Kirkus-Great and relevant thread. I posted a thread on AA a little while back - I have a Benz L2 which sounds great in many ways, but does not seem to be the best tracker out there. If there is any semblance of distortion, mistracking etc, I pick ... 
VPI super mini feet under VPI Scout ??
What type of improvements were you looking for? The stock VPI scout feet are not bad or broken to begin with...I wouldn't suggest a Shelter cartridge for a VPI. Benz, Dynavector and Ortofon are all better matches for the JMW arm for compliance rea... 
Help Finding my system bright...
setup and room acoustics - 90% everything else - 10%(assuming nothing is broken or grossly incompatible) 
Emotiva or stick with my Anthem??
Mark - What do you find lacking about the Anthem that is causing you to want to replace it? 
Tracking error distortion audibility
Feathed also made the same post on AudioAsylum, if you haven't seen it. Here is a quote from him:"I just hope I get the alignment on the Alphason perfect to hear it at it's best. I suppose I should get my alignment template out and check for probl... 
Anybody prefer JL Audio or Velodyne subs for rock?
As long as you have a well built sub (both the JL and Velo are), then the sound that you end up with is 90% setup related. Whether it sounds tight, fast, authoritative, etc, has to do with your room's acoustics, and how well the sub works within t... 
And the "Best" Dynaudio monitor is...?
It's a toss up between the C1 and the S25, depending on your priorities. 
Best sound ? Von Schweikert Vr 4jr or Aerial 10 t
What problems are you experiencing with the 10Ts that is causing you to consider replacing them?