
Responses from gmood1

Cain Abby vs Reference 3a De Capo i
Long term doesn't depend on your taste in music.Any speaker can work in the right system with the right gear in the right room with the right owner. Is there a such thing as a long term speaker? I seriously doubt it. Your more likely to change bec... 
Eminent Technology Hybrids
Jbello have you heard them with this kind of power? The difference is very noticeable. 
Eminent Technology Hybrids
Well far as amplifiers go. You need POWER. As much as you can get. I wouldn't use anything less than 300 real watts on the Eminents. Sound..if you've heard Magnepans. Imagine a pair of MMGs with and 8 inch driver attached in a sealed ... 
Would you buy speakers with out first listening ?
Cool Pete..I'll be ready. I will bring the Clari T Amp up for an audition as well. I've been told it's a match made in heaven! We shall see.I agree with ya Pete..the only way to truly know what sound your looking for, is to listen to as much gear ... 
Would you buy speakers with out first listening ?
Come on Joey :-)..Montgomery isn't that bad. ATL and Birmingham are not too far up the road. Your more than welcome to stop by and get your mind blowed since we are distant neighbors.I've bought speakers without listening a couple of times.Never b... 
Eminent Technology Hybrids
What would you like to know about them? I have a friend that owns them. So I have listened to them quite a bit. 
Subwoofer for under $1000-new, used, or DIY
Here's one to add to your list. It uses 10" high excursion XBL^2 driver (XBL^2 patented by Adire Audio). Here' a link Acoustic Visions MRS-10 . This little guy should fit in your room nicely and it's small enough to add a second unit without spac... 
Subwoofer for under $1000-new, used, or DIY
The Europas are terrific speakers! Some added bottom end definitely won't hurt. What ever you decide make sure it's a sealed sub. You have plenty to choose from. For your room size I would look at 10 inch sealed designs. Something with a 150 to 25... 
Fostex based speakers: Cain Abby or Omega Super3R
MiklorsmithThose look impressive..I bet they will rock out!That tweeter reminds me of the Fostex Super tweeter. My BC Acousitique center channel uses one.By the way the BC Acousitiques are great matches with Fostex speakers. 
Fostex based speakers: Cain Abby or Omega Super3R
MiklorsmithYou seem very excited about the Druids. How about post a link for them. Maybe one day I will get a chance to hear some.At the moment for my musical taste I'm content with Fostex/Sub combo.But who knows there's always tomorrow! LOLSince ... 
Hiff Eff. Full Range Fostex Driver question
Gregm I understand this very well. I've measured transients using a spl meter on some recordings in my room.Some music gets down to near 50 db and peaks near 80db. This was measured when using my 6 wpc amplifier. 
Hiff Eff. Full Range Fostex Driver question
Ultrakaz I agree...but we are talking above 100db. It also boils down to what a person considers loud. For me loud is above 80 db. I fear permanent hearing loss going much higher for extended periods of time. Since I hear everything just fine at 6... 
Hiff Eff. Full Range Fostex Driver question
Louis was working on a super tweeter mount that would make it easy to install to the stock cabinets, for the ones that need more upper range. I think his newer Hemp drivers are supposed to be better for this kind of music as well. Since I do not l... 
Economy amps from Channel, Nixon, etc?
Hey think that's interesting . Check this guy out.He just recieved his ClariT monoblocks. He owns the F1 from Nelson Pass. ClariT Monoblocks. 
Economy amps from Channel, Nixon, etc?
No the ClariT is $500 which includes shipping. This isn't a sonic impact. I know some try to compare the two, but this is a different animal for sure! Electronic cross talk and hash aren't even remotley close in the describing this little integrat...