
Responses from gmood1

Subwoofer with 2 channel stereo setup
For sure it makes a difference in certain systems! Integrating a subwoofer into a system isn't easy but it ain't all that hard either. I for one couldn't live without it. I like it so much, I've seriously considered buying a second one to run in s... 
New Cain & Cain IM Ben Fostex/double horn - help
Could it be the speakers are too much for your room? 
What class "D" Amps Excel at inner detail
The Clari T amp has this quality among others. Too bad it's not enough power for what you need.Good luck with the hunt 
fuller sound at lower volumes
The subwoofer will do the trick! 
Best CD Player for 800-1500 Used
I figured this was the mod you were talking about Bill. There's also a guy who owns it and the Ram Toshiba. He's planning to post a review soon. I love Vinnie's products! After all.. I use his battery powered integrated daily. But there's no compa... 
Best CD Player for 800-1500 Used
OK it's been confirmed by the owner, that his Naim Flagship CDX-XPS has been laid to rest by a $750 RAM modded Toshiba ! LOL From what I gather from reading his comments.The NAIM took a good old fashion @ss whippin! :-)He will post a review on Aud... 
Best CD Player for 800-1500 Used
Grannyring which Tosh did you own with what type of mods? Did yours have a Super Clock 3 ,power supply and output upgrade ? If it didn't have these upgrades, you haven't heard it yet.I just got word today the owner of a $8000 NAIM recieved his RAM... 
Arcam FMJ DV27A - Best PC & IC & DC & Remote Control
The Arcam is great!! Checkout the BVaudio SR10 sound refiner. I've used it on a friends Arcam DV27 makes a big difference! I would put more money in this than in expensive cables. He didn't want to return it works that well. I won't ment... 
I'm blown away by the Sonic Impact tripath amp.
Glad to see the ClariT and the 206E bring you closer to the music Miklorsmith. I know where your coming from because I'm using the same combo :-)Just a quick update..Louis (owner of Omega loudspeakers) got a chance to hear the ClariT up against hi... 
I'm blown away by the Sonic Impact tripath amp.
Plinko the last batch Vinnie made 25 units. The ClariTs have been selling like hotcakes. He may have some left out of this batch I'm not sure. Yeah... I know it's tough to believe.Think about this for a moment. If this product isn't doing what is ... 
I'm blown away by the Sonic Impact tripath amp.
Plinko are you talking about the Sonic Impact or the ClariT ?The ClariT can be ordered with left and right subwoofer outputs. It also comes with a volume control, no preamp is necessary. If you use a Sonic Impact you need a separate preamp, if you... 
I'm blown away by the Sonic Impact tripath amp.
That's hillarious Slappy LOL LOL LOL!!!!!Man you need to send me some of whatever your smokin :-) 
Pass amps with Avantgarde duos?
It's a little more complicated than that Herman. If you are skilled with a soldering iron you could build one for cheap.Those of us not willing to burn up the chip before the jobs complete. Leave it to the experts. For example Sean has the skills ... 
Pass amps with Avantgarde duos?
I'm curious..with all the great amplifiers out there,why only Pass? I know of a previous Decware SV83 monoblocks owner ,who replaced them with the Pass First watt F1.He then upgraded to the Clari T Amp from it. That sounds funny doesn't it.Uprgra... 
I'm blown away by the Sonic Impact tripath amp.
Onemug you are a comedian! We are 1st cousins though:-)The first time I heard the Omega 3s I was taken back!I had a hard time accepting what those 4.5 inch cones can do. We tried a 3.5 wpc Orchid ASL on them.It was ok but they really needed more p...