
Responses from glupson

Talk but not walk?
prof,If it is of any consolation to you, most of the people here do understand your points. We may not all agree with some of your approaches all the time, but that is some healthy diversity, I hope. However, I still think you are wasting your ene... 
Talk but not walk?
Whatever it has been, I am much more puzzled by sudden appearance of jf47t. That seems like a hit job. It was like a character assassination. Gradually trying to portray Michael Green as a weirdo incapable of almost anything but listening to music... 
Talk but not walk?
geoffkait,Getting better. It was just about right. 
Talk but not walk?
stevecham,Once you find out, let the rest of us know. The meaning ended up being a little chat with unknown people, relevance is still mostly missing, knowledge was there if you were patient enough and if you were willing to extract it between iss... 
Talk but not walk?
prof,Have you figured out where and when we were extremely cruel and heartless? It is a puzzle to me. I am simply curious as I could not, for the lives of me and you together, find anything in that direction. Did I miss something? It is really weird. 
Talk but not walk?
geoffkait,You are the well of learning. 
Talk but not walk?
audiopoint,One for your collection of interesting reads... 
Talk but not walk?
jf47t,Now I feel ripped. In the name of....I am still trying to decide of what. 
Talk but not walk?
jf47t,"Please don't do that. That was extremely heartless and cruel. I think I get it now. No matter how much soul someone pours into the entertainment business your here to rip them down."Huh, now that is bordering on bizzare. Ripping down? Who i... 
Talk but not walk?
Don't do what?By the way, I am not attempting to be cool. 
Talk but not walk?
prof,"If MG or jf47t have diagnosed that I hate Michael, they are not the keen judges of human character that it seems they think they are."The only person who would know those details about your character is geoffkait. You should ask him to find ... 
some one tell me.........
As said before, switch to fixed volume output and compare then. If it does not help, switch back to variable output and match it with Rotel.Have you tried switching amplifier inputs? Maybe there is some discrepancy between them and not CD players. 
Talk but not walk?
jf47t,"Your either going to love him or your going to hate him but it’s important that he exist."You are 2/3 wrong on this one for sure. Most of the people walking, and even those who are talking, the Earth neither love, nor hate Michael Green. Ev... 
Talk but not walk?
jf47t,Oh my (again), it is all fine but tone it down. You are not doing Michael Green much favor with this kind of descriptions. I really have nothing against him or his business, but you make it seem freaky. I believe it is accurate and it does n... 
Talk but not walk?
geoffkait,Your words are true wisdom. A lot can be learned from them.