
Responses from glupson

Talk but not walk?
geoffkait,Thank you for the compliment.I am not sure if that is the "talkers'" position as I am still not sure what qualifies one for a "talker", but it is, at least to some extent, how it is out there. There are probably many more variables. 
Talk but not walk?
mapman,NASA stands for Not All Seems Alright? 
Talk but not walk?
mapman,You are right. Kudos to geoffkait for trying. Poet at heart, wolf on the Internet. 
Talk but not walk?
Why nobody talks about one of the most influential and simplest tweaks out there? Music volume. Is it because it is too simple to do or is there some other reason? 
Talk but not walk?
mapman,"Always good for a laugh though..."The bar is not set high, it seems. 
Talk but not walk?
geoffkait, " can you guys sit there and honestly say you’re content with CDs that sound..."Some people will and do agree with you on description of the CD sound. Maybe not all CDs and not all the words you used, but in that direction. At lea... 
Talk but not walk?
Michael Green,Ghostbusters! Who else could you call? 
Talk but not walk?
If average age is 72, someone must be 112. Man, you really made it. Congrats.I will agree with Michael Green, this is an interesting bunch of something. Who is the first one to figure out what that something is, has ice-cream on me. I mean, I will... 
Talk but not walk?
Nashville Cats?There are lots of dogs there, too. 
Talk but not walk?
geoffkait,Sarcastic or not, you are right about Wikipedia. I learn from you, but have not started copying and posting from Internet to support my claims. I will work on it, once I cannot make my own sentences about something.. 
Talk but not walk?
prof,Do not worry. You won't be missing much if you went away for a month and then came back. 
Talk but not walk?
geoffkait,I agree with your view of Wikipedia usefulness on technical subjects. I may not use it for copy/paste as much to post in threads, but I agree a person can learn a lot there. I should check it again, I have not in months. 
Talk but not walk?
kosst_amojan,There is also a benefit. For example, you made me go to look up "High Hierophant". Without this thread, I would not learn so many things. It is actually useful in some way. Of course, provided I can find a moment to use "High Hieropha... 
Talk but not walk?
jf47t,Then I hope he does not get offended by my "not so young" comment. Formal education shapes a person, over time, into a different mold. 
Talk but not walk?
jf47t,What kind of music is that (Hindu Love Gods)?Addendum: Since the first part of this post, I got on the Internet and bought it. I guess, I will hear what it is. Thanks for recommendation.