
Responses from glupson

Talk but not walk?
jf47t,The sad fact is that I informed people what receiver is in question before you did. I guess I woke up first.  I should not mention those modifications that people were also asking about.There may not be trolls on Tuneland for more than one r... 
Talk but not walk?
jf47t,Please do not direct people from here to Tuneland. It is not nice. Tuneland obviously has different clientele. Crowd here is way more analytical and more into "walking". Posts on Tuneland are long winding poetry (by Michael Green), call it "... 
Talk but not walk?
In case anyone is interested, Pioneer receiver in question is sx4300. Yes, I did go to Tuneland to see. Click-bait, or not. From what can be seen on the picture, it is an older receiver with cover removed. No other signs of modification can be see... 
Talk but not walk?
jf47t,I may be a troll, or I may not, as that term seems to be applied very liberally. I do not understand why we would be denied pictures of something described in details on this thread, but so be it. However, given that Pioneer receiver was men... 
Talk but not walk?
It was definitely a Total Contact. Nail contacted wood. Brass screw is usually quite musical, but improperly hit nail is even better. Makes you sing high notes very very loud. 
Talk but not walk?
theaudiotweak,You have nailed it. I mean, nailed wood. 
Talk but not walk?
What are all those clubs? 
Talk but not walk?
prof,We all learn from advertisements, too. However, I doubt that this thread is turning into Michael Green tuning promotion. Whoever visits appears to have already picked sides and is solidified in it. Save for a few who seem interested, but are ... 
Talk but not walk?
jf47t,If the pictures become available, could you post a link? 
Talk but not walk?
thecarpathian,I am rushing there. Nothing like a good old talk in circles. Thanks for recommendation. 
Talk but not walk?
thecarpathian,Are you telling us that there is a thread about tweaks where questions go unanswered? Oh, no. Those must be some shameless talkers. 
Talk but not walk?
sisyphus51,Come, stay for a while. It is fun here. 
Talk but not walk?
audiopoint,I think that geoffkait may be right about his view of your most recent post, but it would also be interesting to see that studio that jf47t described. If for nothing else, then for the novelty of it. I am trying to imagine ("picture" in... 
Talk but not walk?
grannyring,I would second your question about modifications of the Pioneer receiver. In fact, I already got curious about it in my earlier post. I do not doubt it can be done, but it would be great to know what made the difference.Addendum: I woul... 
Talk but not walk?
jf47t,It would not mean that all the others are misrepresenting, at all. In fact, changing anything in the system (from CD to composition of the air in the listening environment) could potentially have some effect on the perception of sound for th...