
Responses from glupson

Talk but not walk?
Are those cows really audiophile? They have no room to tune. 
Talk but not walk?
Some of the people might have just been quicker on their way to success so they are content.geoffkait, lots of this thread is populated by people who refuse to go with the program. The program of accepting that they should do something that seems ... 
Talk but not walk?
uberwaltz,"Just at the end of the day it is a journey to listening of music and enjoyment of same.Nothing more"It is a little bit more, if you are selling equipment of any kind. 
Talk but not walk?
uberwaltz,To some, tweaking/tuning is the hobby, not a distraction on the way to bliss. Many seem to think of it as a waste of time and energy, but some like it so there should be nothing wrong with them having their LEGOs. If one wants to hang ch... 
Talk but not walk?
jf47t,"Michael is also an excellent marketer!"It is hard to believe that anyone reading this thread has not concluded the same already. In fact, he seems to be the best "talker" here. Some may not like what he says, or does not say, but talker he ... 
Talk but not walk?
geoffkait,It is entirely irrelevant to this thread and I am guilty of mentioning it, but "SO much better than before" did not equal "good enough" yesterday around 1:30 pm. So, I guess you could say it is not as simple as adjusting traffic lights a... 
Talk but not walk?
geoffkait,"...I would hang chicken bones all around if it made the sound better. Is that wrong?"I would guess that chicken would say yes. 
Talk but not walk?
This thread leans away from any semi-tangible topic and becomes a playground for challenging opponent’s personality. Somehow, it started being about formal education credentials. How? Why? What does it have to do with anything? It would be better ... 
Talk but not walk?
It is not as simple as just adjusting traffic lights and building new roads. For example, The Beltway in the Washington DC metro area. No traffic lights to adjust. Road made wider in some places, and still thousands curse it every day. And the nar... 
Talk but not walk?
geoffkait,Thank you for considering. Take your time. 
Talk but not walk?
geoffkait,I am not special at all when it comes to not calling people on the thread cows, crazy, grasshoppers, etc. Most of the posters refrain from that. Even Michael Green and prof, at the height of their argument, abstained from such descriptio... 
Talk but not walk?
jf47t,I was not kidding at all. Your description of what you heard was quite impressive. I mean, it seemed that differences were impressive to the point of disbelief when reading about them. As you described it in a way I simply did not have enoug... 
Talk but not walk?
geoffkait,Since I posted my last response to you, I noticed that you changed your previous post to include MG's OP. You are right, I took them seriously and I abide by them. He started with "This isn't meant to start the fight" and I have been suc... 
Talk but not walk?
geoffkait,"Stalker alert! Obviously a disengenuous stalker of the cheap innocent loaded question variety. And just as cheap innuendo." Not every question is meant to be as malignant as you seem to perceive them. Some are just simple questions. My ... 
Talk but not walk?
prof,If you are still around here, I would like to report to you on first impressions from my own little tuning/tweaking experiment. Partially intrigued by this thread, I bought new XLR cables. It was at least 20-fold price difference between old ...