
Responses from glupson

Talk but not walk?
"...of that guy who has only twenty-five (25) year old images of himself posted on his site?"Ouch. 
Talk but not walk?
audiopoint,Aside of yours and Michael Green's disagreement here, it Is interesting to see your point regarding tuning. To those who have not jumped on board, and probably never will, it shows some other view. I, personally, wish I had more technic... 
What makes a speaker sound great at low volume?
I’d combine chayro’s (first reply of the thread) and dweller’s posts.If you are really stuck with very low, middle of the night kind, volumes, "loudness" switch may surprise you. dweller says McIntosh and there are a few more, depending on your bu... 
Talk but not walk?
thecarpathian,My Tunelandization of Audiogon was referring to "It appears we have a meeting of the minds". At some point, a few days ago, I suggested it is better that places stay separate and everybody plays in her/his own yard. Well, it did not ... 
Talk but not walk?
thecarpathian,You must be new on this thread, when you still ask what response is.With a decent certainty, responses to questions about facts here are diverse. They range from "troll" to "trolling".It is, by no means, frequent response specificall... 
Talk but not walk?
Tunelandization of Audiogon! 
Talk but not walk?
thecarpathian,Thanks. I just write what comes to my mind when seeing what is presented around here. Or there. 
Talk but not walk?
jf47t,Feel free to use any of my comments for improvement of your website. That is why I wrote them. If Michael had accepted that offer at Oneonda, he would have needed to pay attention to those details and corrected his students so they could imp... 
Talk but not walk?
jf47t,While you are at that, welcome page, Bandroom Room Tuning, click for more info. The link does not work." folks went from finding out about tuning..."They must have worked very hard. It is not that easy to find it. More like a scavenger... 
Talk but not walk?
jf47t, show on above page (I think it is slide 9) has decibel with capital D, but abbreviation as db. It would be more correctly dB and decibel. Not a biggie, but just so you know. 
Talk but not walk?
jf47t,"On TuneLand you can read start to finish system tuning."Is there any way you could point out where? I tried the link below and under it "more info". The only thing that it did is showed me pictures of a building, including what looks like a... 
Talk but not walk?
jf47t,The talkers have listened to you and checked the Tuneland out. That is half-the-walking. 
Talk but not walk?
thecarpathian,Yup, that is what I found, too. Not much I could find about actual tuning and what to do about it, but it was interesting nevertheless. I am glad I was directed there. It could not be used for audio-topic, but in sociology and a few ... 
Talk but not walk?
"Also, no fuse, no transformer, no interconnects, no speaker cable."Could a headphone cord be considered an interconnect or, more likely, a speaker cable? 
Talk but not walk?
thecarpathian,I was quoted on Tuneland for saying people here have been polite enough not to infiltrate Tuneland. They got named "cockroaches" although for cockroaches better word would probably be "infest". I warned Audiogon crowd would have a fi...