

Responses from gliderguider

Silverline Sonata III vs. Coincident Total Eclipse
I've never heard any Silverline speakers, but I've heard a bunch of Coincidents, and the current models are uniformly excellent.A friend has Total Eclipses running on VAC 70 watters in a bigger room than yours. I have the Total Victories, and they... 
Best SET amp with Coincident Total Victory?
I've just had a revelation. I borrowed an Audion Silver Knight PX-25 amp from my dealer. This thing is utterly incredible on my TVs. At 6 wpc it drives them better than my 300B Wavelength Triton Blues that are rated at 16.I've been using the Audio... 
i am trying to get a smooth vinyl sound from cd
Another vote for Audio Note DACs. Even their lower-priced models have an unforced ease and naturalness to the sound that is quite reminiscent of good vinyl. 
Your favorite recent discovery
Kelley Joe Phelps - "Shine Eyed Mister Zen". I'm in absolute awe of his guitar technique. 
Firesign Theatre
"I sat there listening to the monotonous stacatto of rain on my desk top and reading my name on the glass of my office door: "regnaD kciN". My secretary lay snoring on the floor, her long, beautiful gams pinioned under the couch. I didn't hear him... 
Favourite Guitar CDs
Two that I've been listening to a lot lately are Kelly Joe Phelps' "Shine Eyed Mister Zen" and Martin Simpson's "Righteousness and Humidity". Great music and great sound - what more can you ask for?These two CDs are responsible for getting me off ... 
Best SET amp with Coincident Total Victory?
I share your admiration for the KR18, Ecclectique. For the price they are utterly remarkable. Don't know why they didn't take off, but I suspect it has to do with marketing and distribution. My local dealer just finalized a new relationship with E... 
Best SET amp with Coincident Total Victory?
I've discovered that the TVs really have lower sensitivity than their 97 dB claim. My Cain & Cain Abbys (95dB) play a fair bit louder at the same volume setting on the same preamp and amps. I'd estimate the TVs at 92 to 93 dB.What that means i... 
cones under your tube amps??
My Wavelengths come with BDR cones as feet. They seem to work fine. I've tried replacing them with Stillpoints, but heard absolutely no difference. 
Calling B&W speaker users with tube power amp
As I mentioned, I'd previously used a Sugden Au51P with my 804's, and also a SimAudio 4070 - a 60 wpc SS amp. The tubes were better than either in terms of vocal quality, soundstaging, treble smoothness, bass extension and overall realism. 
Calling B&W speaker users with tube power amp
I've driven my B&W N804's with a KR 18 BSI - a 20 watt 300B SET integrated. It kicked the snot out of the 125 wpc Sugden Au51P sand amp I'd been using before. It just sounded sooo much better - including deeper, fuller, richer bass! The mids w... 
Clapton Me and Robert Johnson
I have it, and I'm lukewarm about it. For me the album says more about EC than RJ. It's nice enough in an inoffensive sort of way. I found the production a bit overdone, especially given the subject matter and the fact that it's a tribute album. I... 
Telefunken 6DJ8 for my DAC
I'm using pair of NOS Siemens E88CCs in my 3.1x Balanced. I bought a pair of them along with a pair of Amperex ECC88s. I lucked out - the Amperex worked better in my preamp, and the Siemens worked better in the DAC. 
killer violin tracks.
I second the Lara St. John Bach mentioned above as well, and I'll add her "Gypsy" CD. It has a breathtaking performance of "Zigeunerweisen". 
142 Years
My gear is still so young I have to spank the amps to make them breathe.My dad, however, has a very venerable system. The Heil ESS AMT-1 speakers and the SAE amp and preamp all date from 1974. That's 90 years right there. A Heathkit tuner that's 2...