

Responses from gliderguider

Best single-malt Scotch...
I've recently veered off the True Path to sample some small cask bourbons. Lovely drinks, they are. I'm especially taken with Booker's - they claim it's the only cask-strength bourbon being bottled. Deep, rich flavour, albeit without the peat I so... 
Review: Argent Audio Pursang Interconnect
I've used Pursang Digital. I've drawn my horns in a bit on Pursang overall since I've gotten more experience with various other cable lines. I've now tried four different digital cables, and I prefer both Nirvana DC-110 and TG Audio HSR over Pursa... 
Best Component Ever, for the money
Nothing in my experience has been higher value than my current Canary CA-339 amps. Pricey, but worth every nickel. 
Power Cord Burn-In
I'm a fridge/freezer guy. Apparently the motors make them a good choice for burn-in. If you get a couple of adapters you can even daisy-chain the PCs to do several at once. 
Stillpoints or Audio Points, has anyone compared
My contribution may not be what you want to hear.I've tried Stillpoints, Black Diamond Racing cones, some ceramic cones and various Sorbothane thingumies under my components, and I haven't found that any of them make a lick of difference. I've tri... 
Personal amp evolution
Updated:1980 - Akai something-or-other1984 - Naim Nait (the first version)1985 - Musical Fidelity A11986 - Cyrus II/PSX1994 - SimAudio 40702003 - Sugden Au51P2003 - KR18 BSI2003 - Coincident MP300B2003 - Wavelength Triton Blue2004 - deHavilland Ar... 
Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?
I'm not totally sure yet, but the Canary CA-339's are looking suspiciously like a candidate. The problem is that there are so many really good amps out there, each with its own endearing character. 
Tenor amp / Coincident Total Victory combo
Here's an update on my quest for amps to drive the TVs.I took Israel's word for it and ordered a pair of the Canary CA-339 monos. They came with EH 300B's, and I've retubed with KR 300BXLS. All I can say is wow!. They have really kept all the 300B... 
Opinions regarding JMlab Alto Be?
I also think you can do better than JMlab. My person preference is the high end Coincidents - specifically the Total Victory, which for my tastes knocked a pair of JMlab Diva Be completely out of the ring recently.My complaint is that I don't hear... 
Your favorite demo songs
Female vocals: An indie CD entitled "Grace Under Pressure" by an Ottawa-area female a capella group called Three Sheets to the Wind.Male vocals: "Lady of Spain" from Garnet Rogers' CD "Firefly".Violin: "Zigeunerweisen" from Lara St. John's "Gypsy"... 
Speaker Cables - 15 Ft. or "No Wife"
I've had good luck with 20 foot runs of UltraLink Excelsior 2.4 Bi-Wire cable. Good looking, well made, and good sounding, for a non-insane price. I run it from a Sugden Au51P to a pair of B&W N804's in my living room system.I dissent on the C... 
Best Speaker matches for Parasound Halo JC-1's ?
Consider a pair of used Coincident Total Victory or Total Eclipses. My TV's never cease to amaze me, in all the categories you mention. They have fantastic presence and drive, and are some of the most lifelike speakers I've heard.The only problem ... 
Tenor amp / Coincident Total Victory combo
Here's another suggestion. Israel has the new Canary CA-339, and says it's one of the best amps he's heard on the Total Victories. Canary apparently agrees, because they've ordered 4 sets of TVs from him, and have told me this amp/speaker combo is... 
Tenor amp / Coincident Total Victory combo
Welllll, I have had Total Victories for almost a year and I've run a bunch of amps on them. Here's my take.First off, the speakers are a bit less efficient than Israel claims. I estimate 93 or 94 dB. This doesn't really represent a problem, but it... 
Best SET amp with Coincident Total Victory?
Here's one more suggestion. Last night I heard the brand new Sapphire 300B from Wyetech Labs playing on Total Victories at the home of the designer. They are unlike any other SET amp I've heard.These are remarkable amps. They are 18 wpc parallel 3...