

Responses from gliderguider

IC/Speaker Recommendations for Sim Audio/Dynaudio
My suggestion would be to look into TG Audio cables. I was using Elrod power cords everywhere (Statement II on the amps, and EPS 2 Signature on the digital boxes and preamp. I switched from the Signatures to TG Audio SLVR and gained exactly the ch... 
Experience with Argent Room Lens
I agree with Brian. When I first got my Room Lenses, I put them into a living room system that was both lower res and had real room problems. They worked like a charm. Now, in a good dedicated, well treated room with a much higher res system, they... 
Got any of your dream system yet?
Yep. Everything stays but the preamp and the rack, and even those will be fixed soon. But as Satch says, tomorrow's dreams bear little resemblance to today's, so who knows what shiny bits I'll covet in a year or two... 
Best Component Ever, for the money
Cousinbillyl - you have good taste. I just sold a Super-It along with an old Sota Sapphire. It was a fabulous piece of cheap gear. Lovingly remembered by all who owned one, I'm sure. 
Seeking $15,000.00 speaker to replace Quad 988's
Coincident has just upgraded their Total Victory to a version II, at a price if $13K. As the owner of the first version, I think they'd be worth looking at. They're coherent (maybe not like Sound Labs, though), very high resolution, excellent tona... 
Best Line Stage Preamp?
I'm currently driving my Caanry power amps with an Audion Premier line stage. It uses a pair of 6922s, and has seen off a couple of good SS units and a transformer-based passive in my system. It's not crazy money, either.If you've got bux, think a... 
Refined 30-60 watt Tube amp
You might look at the Canary line of 300B p-p amps, especially the CA-301 stereo amp. I have the big brother monos, the CA-339, and I'm extremely impressed. 22 wpc, but the lower output impedance means thay'll drive 6 ohm speakers better than your... 
Power Cord Burn-In
And as someone who just listens rather than designs, I'll take the evidence of my own ears any day. Is it "correct"? Who knows? Is it "right for me"? You bet. My hobby, my ears, my money. I'll leave physics to solve the important stuff, like wheth... 
Power Cord Burn-In
I'm not an EE, so I have no clue what happens during "break in", but my common sense tells me that, as Dr. Greenman notes, it doesn't have anything to do with a restructuring of the conductive metal. To me, it seems more reasonable to suppose that... 
Tube power amp - keep on continually?
As others have said, being on all the time ages the tubes prematurely, but on/off cycles are probably harder on them than just being left on.I compromise - I turn my system (amp, pre and DAC - all tubed) off every night during the week, but I leav... 
Can good soundstage be had in small room
The short answer to your question is yes, you can get a good soundstage in a small room. To accomplish this you need to pay close attention to room treatment. Most dynamic speakers can work well close to the side wall if the first reflection point... 
Power Cord Burn-In
I have to agree with you, Drrdiamond. I just got finished burning in a TG Audio SLVR power cord over the course of 5 weeks, on a combination of a SS amp that's on all the time and a chest freezer. The process was very instructive.I tested it three... 
Review: Convergent Audio JL-2 Tube amp
Your review really hit home for me, because I'm currently experiencing exactly what you've described from a pair of Canary CA-339 amps. In describing the sound of the amps I have used the word "complete" more often than not, because to describe th... 
Elrod Signature or Statement
I have used Elrod Statements on my power amps. Great quality, but a total pain to integrate into the system due to their size and inflexibility. I've recently gone back to a pair of Argent Audio Brujo HC for the amps, with extremely good results (... 
Comparison of Tube Output CD Players
I don't know the others, but when I heard the AN 3.1x Balanced my search for DAC technology stopped. It's hard to describe the difference, but Audio Note's filterless, tube/transformer coupled DACs made everything else I'd listened to until then s...