
Responses from ghdprentice

Speaker for McIntosh setup
I have found that really good components can get the most out of decent speakers. But of course to get the most out of your system requires complimentary quality speakers. I have run some $3K speakers on $30K of electronics for years. The speakers... 
I get it now
@varchard.The analog side of audio is a wonderful world of increasing rewards. I have a really good system, my digital end sounds really great and costs $10K more than my analog end. I had a friend visiting to listen to my system. He is assembling... 
I get it now
I think most people that pursue high end audio have this moment. You get a component and it wildly exceeds your expectations. You get hooked. It can led to a wonderful lifetime pursuit. Congratulations, welcome to the rewarding world of high end a... 
Beatles Vinyl Mono you have one?
I have the stereo version. I love them. Bought when they came out. Rubber Soul is my favorite. I have friends that bought the mono, saying they were totally more true to the original... they do not listen to them. 
Speaker for McIntosh setup
B&W is the classic match. 
Building my 'first' system - Advice on Phono preamp please
@millercarbon.   ”I did NOT want to spend $2500 on a phono stage.”Exactly the same for me. I started at a highly recommended $200 one then all sorts of sub $1,000 ones. Finally held my breath and  purchased the (in today’s dollars $4,000) ARC.  
Good Music Couch (Sofa)
I have two dogs that listen next to me. so, I have a reclining love seat... each side reclines. I have the left side in the sweet spot. Leather, I got it at Wayfair about 5 years ago. It is getting a little rickety... loose. But it works well. I a... 
Building my 'first' system - Advice on Phono preamp please
@millercarbon.+1 I got an ARC PH3 later upgraded to SE for about the same amount of time... I had first tried “highly reviewed” less expensive ones and was incredibly disappointed. Finally made enough money and purchased  a ARC PH8, kept it for ab... 
Audio Research CD8
I just completed comparing my Audio Research CD9se with a Berkeley Alpha DAC 3. While $5,000 less expensive the ARC wins for me even if they were equally priced. The differences minuscule. So, my feeling is only going back to a CD8... should be a ... 
High end streamer/server profound choice
You will not be sorry. For the longest time I felt that it just couldn’t be that important... oh how wrong I was. I recommend Aurender. I have the W20SE, but the N10 is wonderful. They will have a model that perfectly fits your needs. Aurender see... 
A phenomenal new CD transport-Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 transport
@Amorstereo.Yep, power supplies.... the better the better the sound. I had a Sim 650 CD/DAC ~ $8K and hesitantly bought the ~$8K add on separate power supply... made a huge improvement. With the same kind of improvements you indicate.  
High expectations when listening to an orchestra
The seats  have at the symphony are behind and below by 10’ the suspended mics used to record the symphony. I have some of the recordings made when I was at the concert. They sound exactly like I would expect given their location.. much more airy ... 
What do $2500 speaker cables sound like?
In some instances interconnects can achieve “component level” increases in sound quality. Well chosen interconnects and cables make the difference between a good sounding system and a great sounding system. If don’t hear the difference then you sh... 
My Last CD player
@sgreg1. “IMO the best approach is cd transport only to external dac. Gives  you the most flexibility for upgrades. When the tech changes you upgrade the dac and still maintain the current cd transport.”I agree. The DAC is the important component.... 
Using 2 different brands of interconnects?
$100 is relatively inexpensive for interconnects. The correct answer is, “it depends” the better your components, the bigger the difference you are likely to hear. But if your components are under a couple thousand each, it is unlikely to be notic...