
Responses from ghdprentice

Any song recommendations for testing purposes?
To be honest, I have done this wrong more than I have done it correctly. The problem is that you don’t know what the albums you choose are supposed to sound like… or most of us do not. The worst I ever did was choose my current favorite albums. W... 
Is it me? Will I ever be satisfied?
Getting great sound can be challenging. Given what you have said there are at least three entry points to start answering your question. I have been at this fifty years and over the last few decades have reached great plateaus where I was really ... 
Tweaks, money pit or real value?
I am a cyclist… 4,000 miles per year.   
Records, CDs, Streaming
OP: “I just go through phases of interest.”   That is a reasonable approach. If you enjoy the process,  that is the point, enjoy the pursuit.   In general, on my system,  if a recording is available on SACD the high Rez file is available on Qo... 
I miss my Loudness Button and Tone Controls....
Most high end audio products do not have tone controls. Any additional circuitry introduces more problems than it solves. I have proven this over and over the last fifty years. @mahgister +1. Your components are made to reproduce sound as best as... 
Buying used vs new speakers from a technology perspective
@audition__audio    +1   Just thinking of woofers… whole cow… the 12” woofers which produced flabby blotted bass decades ago, have gotten smaller and smaller, longer throw more articulate… fast… talked a thud and differentiated it into individ... 
Amir and Blind Testing
I first heard of this web site not that long ago. It was from someone who used a quote from the site… and in my  experience (50 years) this generalization was simply  not true. So I went to the site and read a dozen or more reviews. Sorry, I found... 
Tweaks, money pit or real value?
Personally, I have always hoped tweaks would not work. I love the idea of buying a new better component plunking it down and getting the best sound out of it. I did many changes just to prove “this couldn’t possibly make a difference”. Like my fis... 
Is EMI noise in electrical system inaudible?
@rodman99999    +1  
Any song recommendations for testing purposes?
What is important is to look across the musical spectrum. It is too easy to use the albums you like today. Which may optimize for a particular music type. If you want to do it right, listen to some real live acoustic music and use that as your emp... 
CD player
Also, I recommend switching to Qobuz.. better sounding and more high Rez albums  
Schiit Freya + Class A in Stereophile
You need to understand what class A means. It means for the money. I have compared Class A equipment from Stereophile and The Absolute Sound for decades. A class A component that cost $200 is class A against other $200 components… not against $20,... 
Tweaks, money pit or real value?
I have been pursuing the high end for fifty years. Tweaks are critical in getting the most out of an audio system… period, no question. I go through a component upgrade, then upgrade / choose interconnects, then power cords, and isolation. Then I ... 
Buying used vs new speakers from a technology perspective
There has been continual improvement of speaker technology over time. If I think if the stuff of ever 2000, or 1990… in dynamic speakers… there is no comparison. Typically, I would say buying 10 years old at half the price is a screaming deal. But... 
Limited soundstage between speakers
@onhwy61    Good quote. I respect Robert’s opinion a great deal.