
Responses from ghdprentice

gryphon amps
I have heard mostly great comments about Gryphon amps. But any comment like “the best amp made period”, needs to be questioned. It depends on your values in sound. Sound quality is not like measuring a length or discrete absolute parameter in phys... 
How old is too old (for SS gear)?
It really depends on your expectations for sound quality. If it is not important, then they will work for decades. But there are deterioration of original sound quality as mentioned above and the advancement in sound quality / unit cost.    if yo... 
Does remote control degrade the sound of tube preamps?
OP,   Great idea… really hard to implement. Especially since keeping cables as short as possible, hiding them, and the need to have your listening position out in the room away from all the walls are all important constraints in having good soun... 
Looking for wider soundstage
Nice system. You might add some photos of your system under your UserID… lots of time these questions end can be helped by setup.   For instance, my system’s soundstage was enormously improved by adding absorption behind and toe in adjustment of... 
Voltage regulators and input impedance
Definitely contact Audio Research… last time I had a question I called. They were very helpful. I don’t remember the tech guys name now. I owned a REF 5SE… I changed one tube after 2,000 hours only because it was recommended. I upgraded to the RE... 
What do you use to keep high gloss speakers clean?
Wouldn’t rubbing the speakers with your cat creat a static electric charge? Which would spook the cat and cause it to scratch the speakers?   Might not be good for the finish.  
Can you share your experience and thoughts on the Audio Research integrated?
I have heard the I/50, and liked it, but not for a while. I have listened to the Vsi75 extensively… a phenomenal sounding amp. Warm and detailed. I am very much a Audio Research fan. All my equipment is ARC.   
WiFi streaming — streamer vs. through iPad
Airplay is a very inferior transfer mechanism. A high quality streamer will sound the same with stored files, CDs, vinyl albums, and better on higher resolution streamed files (Qobuz has 1/2 million high resolution albums). To achieve this, you s... 
Does remote control degrade the sound of tube preamps?
Great question.   For decades, meters or displays would be included in high end equipment, with the ability to defeat them. In the last few years Audio Research took the problem head on. They decided, if they were to have “silent” meters they wo... 
Aurender Conductor App
Ari is great. Yeah, I understand. I have asked some stupid questions as well.  
Audioquest Storm Series power cables
@facten    +1  
WiFi streaming — streamer vs. through iPad
OP, I would just use the same company that makes your router… if Netgear get Netgear… if Linksys get Linksys. If you later want to improve a bit get an EtherRegen to go in between the extender and the streamer. But good streamers isolate, cashe, ... 
Best streamer for a returning audio guy
OP,   ”With regard to streaming audio vs lp. To my ears now there is no comparison.”… and why is that? Your particular components. Change those and the output changes.  
Inside the Iso Acoustics mechanism
@nonoise    +1.    Me to, until double blind… then ASR… maybe Fox News can shed some light.  
Streaming vs Physical Media
@music_is_life    Great emotional connection with the past.