Responses from ghdprentice
Are advances in technology making speakers better? @larryi I’m sorry, and respectfully disagree. While there are brands… Magico come to mind that overwhelmingly capture detail and must be paired very carefully with components to avoid loosing upper bass and a sweet natural midrange. OMG, what is... | |
Downward firing speaker port and domestic issues Living in an apartment has compromises. But to be helpful, I think a lot more information would be useful to us. What kind of music do you listen to? What equipment do you have. How loud do you listen? What speakers are you considering? While... | |
Are advances in technology making speakers better? @cd318 You have to look across the spectrum of speakers. And really Quad? The first thing absolutely every Qual lover will say is, “well they are rolled off at the top and are really restricted in the bass… but within the midrange they are spect... | |
Problem with biasing 😊👍 Tube problems are not common, but if you get a whistle, bright tube, or weird poping, that is the place to start. Because most tube equipment uses more than one of the same tube, diagnose can take a couple minutes. My systems run over f... | |
Why do Tube Amps sound more romantic v SS amps “tube amp sound changes almost every 50hr due to tube emissions degradation, bias-balance degradation., accelerated resistor/capacitor aging, etc‘. Just not a remotely true. I have thousands of hours on tube amps with no even minuscule different ... | |
Nobosound Springs @lanx0003 👍😊 | |
Nobosound Springs @lanx0003 Good question. I have a bunch of boxes of Nobsound Springs and a couple boxes of those above, I found the Nobsound much higher quality. The springs fit tighter and I can use them with any number of springs… even one spring. The abov... | |
Synergistic Research Euphoria HC power cord. @whipsaw That is a good rule of thumb. My generalization is if it is in the name, then it is not. Like “Honest John’s”, guaranteed to not be. My partner and I constantly scan for these things and mostly seem correct. 😊 | |
ARC ref 110 tube bias prob I would call audio research. In the past I have done this and talked with… the tech. Or email. But calling is quicker. | |
So, I listened to a $1Million Dollar System I have had the privilege of hearing a similar system some years ago… however, it was in a permanent set up and there was one seat… the one I was in. It was revelatory. No guessing it’s potential, I could hear it. I have been to a number of demos ... | |
New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones) IPhones are made in China. Some of the highest quality tech on the planet. “China” is such a gross oversimplification to use to generalize it is rediculous. The products run from the very best to worst. | |
Are advances in technology making speakers better? Ok guys. I get all the thinking going on here… but have you guys listened to speakers over the five decades? The difference in sound quality is just jaw dropping. The detail, articulation of bass, sound stage. Sure the woofer size has decreased ph... | |
Is it worth upgrading a CD player? @carlsbad Streamers Have extremely low bit rate requirements and most cashe the data. My streamers work flawlessly when I cannot get my news page to refresh on my iPad. Clearly a DAC is important, but like everything else in high quality audi... | |
Is it worth upgrading a CD player? @jerryg123 If playing a CD has better sound qualityr or streaming is better is completely dependent on your equipment. On my equipment Red Book CD is eclipsed by HR streaming and equaled by streaming of Red Book CD format. In fact on average str... | |
Ohio - Over the Rhine Ok. I ordered the vinyl version of the Ohio. So just compared. But of course, this tie with the FLAC 16/44 streamed version… Qobuz. It took me a couple of cuts to detect any difference… it is very subtle. I noticed the vinyl was ever so slight... |