Responses from ghdprentice
Why is solid state more popular when tubes are better? OP…“Regarding reference systems recently mentioned above. While very respectable, these seem to be professionally grown Systems revealing precise characteristics of music being played that may not be enjoyable for longer-term use.” Sorry, I am... | |
Conrad Johnson Classic 120se vs. Cary Audio Design CAD120 MKII? On contemporary gear I don’t think I could coach… but you have two excellent amps in your sights. | |
Amplifier considerations, PrmaLuna EVO 400 versus ARC Reference 160 S. Is ARC worth it? I am a big fan of Audio Research. I have an all ARC Reference system and have had 160 monoblocks for well over a year and a 160s for three. There is a lot of synergy with all ARC. You seem to be familiar with the the sonic characteristics. Persona... | |
What speaker could safely be ordered without hearing it first? Unless you have had broad exposure to speakers and know the house sound of a good number of brands and read professional reviews extensively, then while you may be happy with your choice it is likely to be very sub optimal. Even if you’re comparin... | |
Why is solid state more popular when tubes are better? @sbonamo …”Tubes are not quantifiably better than SS, in fact, the majority of true reference - class systems run solid state, which has been long optimized to be (subjectively of course) better than tube amps.”. Exactly. The classic… measurable ... | |
The new Linn LP12 50th Anniversary edition Cool. I own a near Klimax LP12. If I had been a lifelong LP12 devotee and was thinking of upgrading… I would go for it. if you want the absolutely best performance for the money… this is probably not it. I am retired, and following decades of ... | |
How Do Amps Affect Soundstage? Unfortunately, it all matters. All components including the amp. Speakers may be the biggest determinant. I can comment on amps. For a year and a half I had both an Audio Research Reference 160 stereo and a pair of 160 monoblocks. So, identica... | |
Tube amp recommendations to drive Joseph Audio speakers I would recommend a used Audio Research Reference 75SE. It’s | |
XLR cable recommendations needed I would definitely try DHLabs. In that price range they are excellent. I would not confine yourself to a single parameter (overall material comp). Really cheap ones tend to sound like their material… but well thought out, high quality ones wil... | |
Why is solid state more popular when tubes are better? @bigtwin 😂👍 | |
When Will the DAC Singularity Be Reached? Yep. As most folks have pointed out. Low cost DACs will sound like low end DACs and high end DACs will continue to sound way better. It is the nature of advancement. I have had a fair amount of experience recently with a couple of budget DACs ... | |
Happen to you? Gear chasing because the fundamentals were wrong. @nonoise +1 Yes, when I started out I looked at the color glossies and reviews in non-high end audio magazines (1979). I bought this highly touted Onkyo tape deck… sounded good (although I had nothing to compare it to). Then, wondering through ... | |
Shocking Lampizator Service @audphile1 +1 | |
Why is solid state more popular when tubes are better? I owned small tubed components for the last two or three decades… preamps and CD players. I hesitated on tube am[s) for decades entirely because the fact you had to replace tubes (occationally)… I was purchasing at the very edge of my financial ... | |
Nordost Tyr2 vs Valhalla1 Powercord Be patient and wait for a matching cord. They matter. |