
Responses from ghdprentice

Can you have too much speaker presence?
You can have speakers that are too large for your venue. You can overload bass and end up having to do all sorts of elaborate treatments to make them sound right.   In the other end of the spectrum you can have tiny speakers and a sub and really... 
USB CD Transports
@mahler123 …”I continue to be amazed when posters ask about a transport or a CDP and then gets told by the usual half dozen suspects that they should be playing ripped CDs.”.   Or… when an OP asks a question about older technology some folks try... 
AI and the future of music
@cd318 I would recommend listening to a dozen or so Eye on AI podcasts. I would include #122. There are lots more who have experts and developers explaining the incredible risks, particularly with capitalism driven AI and AGI. Probably a greater... 
Thank you for your first impressions.   I look forward to hearing more as time goes on.  
Tube Preamp: How many tubes does it take to .................
One major differentiator is if tubes are used for just the preamp or also for the power supply. Lots of preamps, used to only use them for the amplifier section. Over the last decades there has been a movement to use tubes for both. So my Audio re... 
External DAC?
Typically you will get a “wow, that sounds better’ every time you double the cost of the component (single function box like streamer, preamp, DAC, etc.) But you just can’t buy component, you must do your research and get the best of class and one... 
USB CD Transports
@vonhelmholtz  +1  
Pls help me decide Pass Labs X250.8 or Luxman M900u
OP,   Just to point to the reality that your own values and system are the most important aspects in choosing an amp. I completely disagree with @mtdining on every point he makes. This does not mean he is wrong for him. I have 50 years of experi... 
USB CD Transports
Hi Greg (?), I’d really like to help, but just don’t feel I have quite enough info. So let me try and lay the basics out. See if we can disassemble the question.   A CD transport spins disks with computer files on them. So, it is a reader and a... 
PS audio m1200
@tweak1    I never said or implied PS was garbage. But there are better sounding amps., ones I would consider a much better match.  
@thyname    +1  
Transparent Cable comparisons across both level and generation
Effects Of Power Cords On Electrostatic Speakers
@hsbrock Yes, seamless integration across the audio spectrum. The character of the ribbons or ATM is completely different from a dynamic woofer. One of the reasons big Maggie’s are attractive (with massive power amps). You get the same character... 
Replacement Tubes
The Tube store looks like they have several brands.  
Front or Back wall diffusers
I would start on front. If you are set up along the long dimension, then the rear wall will be less important. My rear wall is pretty far back and I have book shelves there. That has given the biggest gains. Then sidewalls. You can simulate with h...