Responses from ghdprentice
Best Forum to hear experienced audiophiles exchange thoughts? Audio Afficianado is a great site. Really friendly with extremely knowledgable people with high end systems. | |
Happy Accident Congratulations! This is the way it is done… lots of experimentation. The “rules” are always just starting positions. For my speakers the generality for toe in is cross the beams 18” behind your head. In my room… no toe in and they disappear ... | |
Power Cord choices The difference a power cord can make in your system is very large, particularly on the power amp. Power cords like interconnects and speaker wire can be considered in a couple different ways: quality and effect in your system. My meaning here is t... | |
Interconnects for Pass Labs X260.8 OP, I would describe Transparent’s sound as transparent… I am serious. Over the last fifty years of my pursuit of the high end, in the beginning I needed really warm Cardas because my electronics were harsh and noisy (cheap to mid-level audiop... | |
Amp question with size constraints I have to admit the ADG Audion is a very good sounding amp for the money. A friend brought over a pair for the afternoon and we replaced them with my Audio Research Reference 160 monoblocks. While they did not best the REF160m they were very good.... | |
There's No Question 👍 | |
Turntable recommendation Rega is a good entry point… lots of choices and should be easy getting complete package. Personally I would buy from a local dealer. Tts are not like indestructible boxes and spending a few bucks on support (as in not mail ordering) can be rea... | |
Has Your Hobby Changed? Congradulations… good place to be. You just described the cycle I went through about every seven to ten years. For seven years or so, I just listen to music. Then for two or three years go through an upgrade cycle: equipment, wire, vibration, ... | |
Interconnects for Pass Labs X260.8 I used to use Transparent Ultra between my Pass 350 and Sonus Faber before I moved to tube amps. | |
Internet Noise: A Pest in the Machine OP, Thank you for the follow up on how you solved the problem. However, what you did to solve the problem makes me wonder. You did not change out the KT88 tubes yet, correct? Makes me wonder if it was a tube acting as a receiver. I would find... | |
$50k - $80k Budget…Opinions please. @pindac Yes, definitely. Carefully chosen requires footwork, listening skills, reading, exposure to different systems, etc. I think each of us with many decades of experience have chosen slightly different paths to be able to evaluate equipme... | |
Speaker cables bi wiring for front towers I’ve not had much luck in bi-wiring. While I have not done extensive testing, a couple of my systems have been biwired. Now, bi-amping, that is a different story. What is your equipment? This can help. There is a place under your UserID to put ... | |
Need advice @jjss49 +1 Always the first place to start, most likely. With Audio Research gear I don’t tube roll. I’d get a brand replacement or similar. But that is me. | |
$50k - $80k Budget…Opinions please. @magnuman … “sorry to tell you that you don't know what you're talking about just because the system costs $160,000 doesn't mean it's going to sound better than an $80,000 system ” Sorry you did not read my post. I did not say you can randomly pi... | |
Linn LP12 Cirkus baring I have a contemporary LP12 with the Karousel Bearing. I would say, if you can get good money for a Cirkus… I would do it. Get a Karousel… it is a significantly better bearing. I can say, with the upgrades in the last dozen or so years the Linn... |