
Responses from ghdprentice

How to get more volume from my HI FIman 400se phones
Headphone audio is like room audio. Every aspect controls the output you hear. The electronics must support the output device. Headphones need amplification that supplies the clean, natural signal and raw power, more importantly the current the he... 
Listen to a CD or LP in showroom?
While I agree that DAC, CD, vs TT/PS is pretty irrelevant. All can be optimized for the speakers… often that is good. But… If you are looking at even mid priced speakers. They should hook up anything that they have in the store that you want. I r... 
Speaker Wires: Can I use different Wire Gauges in the same Conductor?
I remember doing a number of my own cables when I was new to audio.    A number of audio cable companies used a vast array of gauges, multiple gauges, both in contact with each other, and enclosed in dielectrics… some with geometrical twisting, s... 
My history with treble.
@wolfie62  Really lucky I did not try to start designing speakers… I bet they would have been harsh.  
Digital music questions
OP,   There are lots of long discussions on the 0’s and 1’s thing. It kept me from buying a good streamer for many years. Then you get one and your jaw drops and you stop worrying about the theory, it’s just true. But, a good streamer will cashe... 
Best place to live for good quality power
@itsjustme +1. You can do something about noisy power. It is also relatively cheap and simple to improve compared to others. How quiet your listening room is really important. If you can drop your listening room to the 20 - 30db range you give ... 
Parasound vs Coda
OP… “granted the XP12/22/32s are universally considered improvements over the prior generation”. Yes, exactly. I used to own one. I would describe them as a bit thin, not natural and musical. They are good technically but lack warmth and soul. So... 
My history with treble.
@erik_squires   👍😊… but, it wasn’t of dissertation length.  
Digital music questions
This is a great time in digital to be getting into high end audio.. First an overview. A streamer and a DAC are components like a preamp and amp. They both deserve the same consideration and investment levels. A Mac book or PC is a very inferior ... 
The Snob Appeal Premium
@oddiofyl  To me, you are the essence of a true audiophile. Someone that is passionate about sound quality / music and makes concessions in other parts of their life to achieve the best possible sound for you.   I had a cheap used Datson 1200 ca... 
Advice on Speaker upgrade vs System Component Upgrade
OP,   I find the Sonus Faber sound to be the most natural and musical of any I have heard. Hence, I am on my third pair. Congratulations. I think you are headed in a great direction. Tell us how it goes.   
Is this describing a blown tube, or two blow tubes?
👍, no tester.   Absolutely, no tester. I have about 30+ tubes in four components. I have an extra set of tubes for each. If something happens, I just swap one for one to find any possible problem. I have had few problems, but this is simple and ... 
I would recommend DHLabs. I find them to be great value. Then I would try Cardas in your price range.  Thirdly, WireWorld… I definitely have not had much luck with Kimber (meaning, they did not produce positive changes), but it has been a while.   
Using biwired cables on speakers with only 2 connections
Maybe a good time to sell your current speaker wires and upgrade. I would look at it as an opportunity to re-optimize for your new speakers. I have found that my ability to discern sonic differences improves decade by decade and I can get much bet... 
The Snob Appeal Premium
I don’t find a lot of snobs here. [a person who believes they are superior to others, due to their wealth, social status, or taste in culture]. I think there are a lot of big egos. Folks that have found their system but without the breath of exper...