

Responses from geph0007

TEAC AI-3000 Integrated Amp Review
Would you please comment on the sound of the 2000 and if you have compared it to other units you may have had?  I ask this because it seems the trend now is for much gear to have a thin detailed and sometimes even thin and warm sound.  I guess ear... 
Teac AI 2000 integrated amp Opinions?
Sounds like it is going into protection. What are you trying to drive with it?  I would think it should be able to handle a  low impedance  but?/ Still looking for thoughts on the 2000. 
Original RtR Legacy -1 (information needed) verses PSB Stratus Gold
B&K amp differences
Anthem 225 verses B&K EX 4420 and PT 3
Did you own one or have one in your home and compare it to something/ 
Anthem 225 verses B&K EX 4420 and PT 3
Thanks for the response.  I have to  decide soon as it is a demo unit but even at that it would cost twice what I have into the B&k gear and I am  just not sure it gets me anywhere.  I tried one a few years ago (different speakers)  I had an E... 
PSB Stratus Gold v GoldI real differences?
Integrated Owners: I Need an Excellent Power Cord
I noticed the OP mentioned a Yamaha A-S 2000  I have one of these.  it is not broken in yet but I do not like the sound when using my VH Audio flavor 4.  It sounds warm and  thin on top which is the most annoying sound. What did you think?   I put... 
Creek 5350SE v Evolution 5350
The Evo 5350 is 120 per side and the 5350 is 85 or 90 and uses MOS FETS    I know the mechanical differences.  I want to know the sonic differences. 
Creek 5350SE v Evolution 5350
Anybody?  Thanks 
Rogue Sphinx v Nakamichi PA 5 MMKII and a preamp
Well there we have it.I guess you have had them all  in your home and compared them all side by side so to speak ?  I know I have .   As a matter fact had Vandersteen 2Ce and 2CE sig 3 times. Great speaker but not for all of us.Each to their own. 
Rogue Sphinx v Nakamichi PA 5 MMKII and a preamp
Umm what  would I replace RS 2.5s with?  Have you ever heard a pair? I have had   Vandersteen, Von Schweikert PSB, Mirage, ADS Energy,Polk Canton and so on.  They all have their strengths but  The 2.5 is better in almost every way.  The Rogue is n... 
Rogue Sphinx v Nakamichi PA 5 MMKII and a preamp
I got the Rogue  Great anp but does not seem to be a good match. Very dark with a rolled off top end.  Tubes big surprise.  Switched back to the Yamaha  M4 and CX 800U and it was like a blanket had been taken off the speakers.  Larger stage more d... 
Question on Yamaha seperates. Also the A-S 2000
Interesting   Just concerned about being soft for Rock and blues 
The merry go round. $700 seperates or integrated?
Thanks for all the thoughts.  I will respond to them soon.  On a different note anyone have any sonic impressi9ons of how a NAD C160 preamp would compare to a Parasound 2100? Thanks