

Responses from georgehifi

Synergistic Red Fuse ...
http://highend-electronics.com/products/audio-magic-premiere-beeswax-super-fuse Here are some normal fuses pumped with bees wax, but I found that if I saved my ear wax and injected it, it was soooo much better, the difference was night and day, an... 
Disadvantages of a direct coupled preamp?
Disadvantages of a direct coupled preamp?Non what so ever if it’s designed right and you don't want the colouration/s any series cap/transformer brings.But you will only gain the total advantage in the bass that DC coupling gives, if the source an... 
Best sounding CD Players with Variable Outputs to use Direct into Power Amp?
Most digital domain volume controls " bitstrip" if not used in their top 70% of full volume. "Bitstripping is taking 16bit down to 14bit and also 12bit if the volume is too low. Thorsten Losech (Kuei Yang Wang) of AMR believes any attenuation in t... 
Quad 57s with after market power cords
Don’t bother wasting your money, ESL’s consume so little power you could almost rub a plastic ruler with a wool cloth to generate enough power for them. And for anyone who says they will filter out more noise, it's only the bias voltage the cord s... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
karmapoliceDetailsDiscussionsPostsThis discussion94 posts03-21-2016 11:36am Edit DeleteI decided to switch the direction on the black fuse on the dartzeel amp after all because lack of bass weight was bothering me.The improvement was immediate wit... 
Shiit yggdrasil
I've been preaching this all along that R2R Ladder Multibit dacs have it all over DSD (Delta Sigma) dacs for "Redbook" replay conversion. As they are "bit perfect" in their conversion, and not a facsimile of it, like DSD Delta Sigma conversion dac... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
georgelofi, dear sir, you are sadly confused by only a portion of the facts IMHO. Facts "IHMO" ?????? please post all these "facts" up by all means, back by some sort of SOUND technical explanations to their advantage to sound quality improvement.... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
After all that was YOUR claim - that a straight wire bypass would outperform an aftermarket fuse. Technically YES, if one is a technician and a betting man you would put your money on the "temporary" 10mm piece of copper wire everytime, unless one... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
mapmanI have no doubt that no fuse is likely the best fuse for performance but I’ll pass on that. It is what it is. If I need better sound I’ll figure out some other way to get it beside eliminating the fuse that the designers deemed wise to put i... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
OK, try this one for an experiment only, definitely not for long term for safety sake.Make sure all is working fine and you grown used to how it sounds. Then remove the "red fuse" and bridge out he the fuse holder with some copper wire, you can ev... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Al's a bit of a fence sitter with things like this. But to me these fuses are up there with Shaun Mook Mpingo pucks, very unexplainable things going on, can really **** with your head.Cheers George 
Acoustat 2+2 HF Control on Interface
Always been a fan of the Acoustat 2, best sound I got from them is when I made a new frame for them and turned them into 8ft tall 1+1, imaging became 10 x better. Here is the schematic, if you need it.http://usr.audioasylum.com/images/5/58768/MK-1... 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
Thanks for the links banquo, I looked at the "musicdirect" link and it seems they do do international shipping also, and $49 is a great price.This supply could be a no brainer, as smp's are very good everywhere save for the noise most have, and th... 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
Thanks banquo, $50 is a very good price if it does what's claimed, can you supply a link to where you got this price, I like to get one when they've replenished their stock.Cheers George 
up to $2,500 to spend............
If going for the best Redbook (PCM) replay, I suggest a well reviewed dac that uses Mulitibit Ladder dacs inside, not Delta Sigma type converters. Unfortunately Ladder Multibit dac won’t do sacd or high-rez which is no great loss and are to me BS ...