

Responses from geoffkait

Best interconnect burn-in method
Uh, oh, Bessel functions. Yikes! I’m out. Guess I’ll stick with the dude from AudioQuest. Thanks anyway. 
Did you know....?
Is that John Voight the dentist or Jon Voight the actor? 
If NOS pre or power tubes became unavailable altogether, what new tubes would you buy?
Don’t forget, all you NOS tube people and other people, too. You really must have at least one Herbies tube damper on those 6SN7 output tubes; one on the glass where the getter is located, the other one on the base of the tube. Whoa, Daddy! 
Best interconnect burn-in method
Who's zooming who? Let's clear this whole skin effect thing up for once and for all. Here's the link to AudioQuest's page on cable theory. Zoom on down the page for discussion of skin effect in audio cables. Read em and weep.http://www.audioquest.... 
Did you know....?
Gosh, really? 
What are you using to rip your cds to a hard drive?
almargAs I and many others have acknowledged many times in past threads here, science and engineering can neither explain nor predict a lot about what we hear or don’t hear from our systems. >>>Then why are you obsessing over these contro... 
What are you using to rip your cds to a hard drive?
AlmargWhile I don’t dispute that some of Geoff’s tweaks might be beneficial under some circumstances when a CD is being listened to, they have no relevance whatsoever to the process of copying the data that is on a CD to a hard drive. Assuming, ag... 
Radio Signal interference
I’m pretty sure I never had any luck with ferrite chokes on audio cables or power cords. However I did have good results with large ferrite chokes, the nice big fat ones, on power cords of appliances like computers, TVs and refrigerators. I had ex... 
What are you using to rip your cds to a hard drive?
Whoa! What? Hey, Al, of course my disagreement will inevitably follow. Just like you inevitably go for the bait. You say it’s "well understood." but by whom? I dare say not by you, judging from what you say. More to follow....stay tuned. 
What are you using to rip your cds to a hard drive?
DynaquestBe careful with what you read here. Geoffkait, in a previous post, mentions a checklist of things to do before ripping your CD’s. I’ll just highlight one. He says to demagnetize your CD’s before ripping. Huh? Optical discs are encoded wit... 
Best interconnect burn-in method
I agree, skin effect is an issue for audio frequencies. Don’t believe it? One need look no further than the 54 ga. conductor (thinner than a human hair) in Mapleshade’s Mikro Omega ICs to see that there isn’t really anywhere else the signal can tr... 
What are you using to rip your cds to a hard drive?
9 things I suspect will improve the whole ripping process:1. Isolate the CD player and the ripper.2. Treat the CD being ripped with liquid type enhancer.3. Demagnetize the CD prior to ripping.4. Demagnetize the cabling.5. Use some sort of anti sta... 
Audiophiles are not alone
Of course some tests could produce positive results. But not all things tested necessarily produce any positive results. Positive results can be considered as evidence. But negative results are different - because of all the things that can go wro... 
Audiophiles are not alone
The point is if the test results are negative they don’t mean anything. Just like any test. I’m not sure I can say it any plainer. I don’t care who performs the test or how perfect or ideal the protocols are.  If the results are negative I say thr... 
Audiophiles are not alone
terry9@geoffkait 1. Fourier Analysis2. From the days of Pharaohnic Egypt, it has been accepted that mathematical analysis informs the real world.3. As I mentioned before, an engineering solution has a basis in fact or theory. Something with neithe...