

Responses from geoffkait

When and what was your last significant equipment upgrade?
Mains is on a shilling rampage. At least ten current threads are being dominated by this nonsense. Is no one safe? 
Best current footers for preamps?
Without question?  Hmmmmmm..... 
Has anyone had experiences good or bad with speaker isolation or isolation in general ?
Hardness of audio cone materials. The numbers are on the Mohs scale of hardness where 10 is diamond, the hardest material. Notice how the hardness of these materials correlates with the relative effectiveness of various cones I posted yesterday in... 
Why demagnitize an optical reader?
Oh, geez. Here we go again. 
Has anyone had experiences good or bad with speaker isolation or isolation in general ?
I agree with the last poster that the SPEED of mechanical vibration EVACUATION is an important issue. I also agree that the MATERIAL used for the cone is important. I also would add that the SHAPE of the cone is important. When one employs profici... 
Has anyone had experiences good or bad with speaker isolation or isolation in general ?
The Vibraplane isolation stand employs a 100 lb weight in its design, but not as mass loading, the 100 lb dead weight preloads the air bladders so that lower resonant frequencies of the ISO system can be achieved. My Nimbus sub Hertz ISO platform ... 
Readers Digest Classical Collections should be reissued
Not to rub it in but the 5 cassette version of the Readers Digest Light Classical Music is like new and "made exclusively for Readers Digest by RCA." Yippee! Tape is a natural medium. It breathes. 
How many LP's do you own? How long did it take?
Next question. How many do you actually listen to? 
Readers Digest Classical Collections should be reissued
Yeah, well, assuming you can lift them. 
Readers Digest Classical Collections should be reissued
Totally agree and thanks for the reminder. I just ordered the five cassette version of the Readers Digest light classical pieces. It don't get much better than that. 
Speaker jumpers
Mirror, mirror on the wall... 
Best interconnect burn-in method
It also defies neurosurgery. 
Richard Clark $10,000 Amplifier Challenge - Why Couldn't Anyone Pass this Test??
There are of course many legitimate reasons why someone might not be able to hear the difference between two amplifiers or between anything else, like say cables. Unfortunately most of those reasons are not very complimentary. 
Reliable burn-in service for cables and outlets
It must be true what they say. A lot of folks on those islands in the Pacific are superstitious. So superstitious in fact they believe someone taking their photo is stealing their soul. 
Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics?
Mpingo discs of course shouldn’t really be included in your list of vibration isolation products since they are best placed in the category of vibration control. Which leads me to make the following observation. The reason you had such good result...